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(a.k.a Arli$$) A cult TV show that aired on HBO. Lasted from August, 1996 to September, 2002. For a total of 80 episodes. It is perhaps best known for managing to air for seven seasons despite mediocre ratings and reviews due to a small but apparently loyal following.

The show follows the adventures of sports agent Arliss Michael, played by Robert Wuhl, and features a great deal of appearances by real athletes playing themselves.

Tropes used in Arliss include:

  • Adored by the Network: It had seven seasons. Seven, with low ratings and poor reviews somehow not affecting HBO's decision to keep it on.
  • Real Song Theme Tune: Varies between "I Only Want to Be with You" by Dusty Springfield and "I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)" by The Four Tops.
  • Special Guest: Arliss had big-name clients, as befitting a sports agent.