YMMV • Radar • Quotes • (Funny • Heartwarming • Awesome) • Fridge • Characters • Fanfic Recs • Nightmare Fuel • Shout Out • Plot • Tear Jerker • Headscratchers • Trivia • WMG • Recap • Ho Yay • Image Links • Memes • Haiku • Laconic • Source • Setting |
- Beg'n your pardon sir, but it's a big-ass sky.
- Naming the asteroid.
Carl: "I want to name her Dottie, after my wife." |
- Harry chasing A.J. with a shotgun for catching him in bed with his daughter...and periodically shooting at him:
- Trying to get Bear to stop him:
Bear: (steps in Harry's path, hefting a positively gigantic pipe-fitting wrench) What's going on there, boss? |
- A little Conversational Troping between Chick and Harry:
Chick: You really don't wanna go killing the best man on your team right before we strike oil. |
- Ending with...
A.J.: (cowering) Harry! Please! (pause) I love her! |
- The best scene for laughs is when the gang goes through the training exams.
Chick: Aw, gee, lady. I just came here to drill. |
Max: *reacting to an immense hypodermic needle* Who's that for? Mr. Ed? You stick that thing in me, I'm gonna stab you in the heart with it. You ever see Pulp Fiction? |
Rockhound: (carelessly tossing aside a solved Rubik's Cube) Piece of cake. |
Bear: I am not crazy! *begins crying* I'm just a little emotional right now, ok? Ya'll throwing all this stuff at me, man! Look, I mean, after this is over, can I like get a hug from you or something? |
Rockhound: Okay, Cyclops Lady's starting to bug me. |
- Rockhound's less than confident reaction to the assisted slingshot (called an Oberth maneuver in real life)
Rockhound: Yeah, I remember this one. It's where the, uh, the coyote sat his ass down in a slingshot then he strapped himself to an Acme rocket. Is that...is that what we're doin' here? |
- Some of the drillers looking over pictures of Lev's family. Lev then very calmly describes the one (his uncle) that designed the warheads of the Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal, and how they were designed to seek out specific cities. American cities. He's very giddy about it. The drillers...aren't.
- This bit of gold between A.J. and our friendly Cosmonaut.
A.J.: Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel? |
- Moments later, when something goes wrong during their vehicular jump, it's time for Lev to save the day.
A.J.: What are you doing? |
- And who could forget this little gem.
Rockhound: (sitting astride the nuclear bomb and humming the William Tell Overture to himself) YEE-HAW! RIDE 'EM COWBOY! YIPPIE KAI OH KAI YAY! |
- During the tense "drawing straws" scene, we cut to all of the characters' faces, and then Lev looks at the straw he has drawn.
"...Is this good, or bad?" |
- Lev, the Russian Hero, has this to say to bitchy prima-donna astronauts who disrespect the man who had kept Mir running for the past eighteen months. Alone.
Lev Andropov: Amerrrrican compoooonents, Russian compoooonents, all made in TAIWAN! |
- And when the cowboy starts to panic, the cosmonaut then proceeds to repair the state-of-the-art spacecraft she couldn't.
Lev Andropov: This! Is how we fix things! On! Russian! Space! Station! BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO STAY HERE ANYMORE! |
- Harry asks the guys where Grace went off to and they automatically respond "with A.J." and then remember that Harry doesn't want them together and try to retract the statement...badly.
- The sequence of NASA trying to round up the guys, particularly, "COME AND GET PAPA BEAR!"
- The team's "requests" before agreeing to go on the mission. Particularly the very last one:
Harry: Yeah, uh, one more thing, uh...none of them wanna...pay taxes again. Ever. (chuckles, shrugs) |
- Grace's chat with her father about growing up with roughnecks.
Grace Stamper: First time I got my period, Rock had to take me into Tai-Pei for Tampax. And then he had to show me how to use them, Harry. |
- "So we're going swimming on this asteroid? Is that what this is for?"