These things about Arrow are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Abandon Shipping:
- Oliver/Sara was once a Fan-Preferred Couple but as it became increasingly clear that the show was not going in that direction, especially once Sara was Transplanted to Legends of Tomorrow, most support for the pairing died out. There is a Vocal Minority who still calls for it, but given that their arguments tend to be tinged with homophobia against Legends's canon pairing of Sara/Ava, they're largely ignored by the rest of the fanbase.
- Oliver/Felicity was also once a Fan-Preferred Couple, so popular that it became the Official Couple. And like most Fan-Preferred Couples that become canon, Shipping Bed Death largely soured any positive feelings towards it, combined with Felicity's increased Creator's Pet status.
- Arc Fatigue: It's the Arrowverse. If it can take four episodes to wrap up an arc, may as well stretch it out for four seasons. The standout is probably how long it takes Thea to find out that Oliver is the Arrow.
- Base Breaker:
- Oliver Queen, particularly his status as The Stoic. One camp appreciates how he can still convey powerful emotions, and makes his emotive moments more impactful. The other camp feels this reduces Oliver to an In Name Only version and makes him an intensely boring character. Though he's much less divisive than fellow lead character Barry.
- John Diggle. Either his relationship with Oliver is a powerful and dynamic tango or a Diggle is a Flat Character whose arc is nothing but Wangst.
- Creator's Pet: Felicity Smoak. She started out well enough but by the third season, her increased Spotlight-Stealing Squad and It's All About Me tendencies had soured her reputation. The infamous double wedding at the end of Crisis on Earth-X all but cemented this status for her.
- Fandom Rivalry: Established with one Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Daredevil as part of the standard Marvel vs DC rivalry.
- Hype Backlash: Perhaps more than any other Arrowverse show. For all that it's hyped as a Darker and Edgier show, worthy of standing alongside entries from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, newcomers will discover that Arrow still suffers from the same Narm as the rest of the Arrowverse, only for its darker tone to prevent any Narm Charm.
- Misaimed Fandom: The show framed Oliver's brutality and seriousness as aspects he could stand to grow out of. Yet the show had many fans who were taken by his serious approach to life, hoping that he would only grow more brutal and/or that he'd shake Barry and Kara out of their naive optimism.
- Never Live It Down: The show really is far more than just a Batman show masquerading as a Green Arrow show, but this complaint pops up every time someone wants to throw shade at the series.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks/They Copied It, So It Sucks: The biggest complaint about the show is that it's less an adaptation of Green Arrow but more one of The Dark Knight Saga.
- Unacceptable Targets: For all the hate Felicity gets, the fandom does not look kindly on any hate thrown towards Emily Bett Rickards. She did the best with what was given to her.
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