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  • Arthur's Big Hit. Albeit, it was intended to be a Kick the Dog moment. But, admit it. You thought that D.W. deserved to get hit.
    • Binky reacts by telling Arthur off, which is... amusing if you've watched the show from the beginning.
    • This also counts as Memetic Mutation thanks to good ol' Youtube.
  • The show has many Very Special Episodes about things such as Cancer, 9/11, and Asperger's syndrome that are quite good both in logic and in execution.
    • The Asperger's syndrome episode gives an analogy to what having Aspergers is like and is generally well done, even implying how it levels out when you get older and you become less....Rain Man.
  • "I'd Rather Read it Myself." D.W. spends an entire episode pretending to read to the Tibble twins. She weaves a shedload of Continuity Porn into a compelling tale, leaving the boys in suspense the entire time. After borrowing the book, the boys are told that it's really about Leonardo da Vinci. D.W.'s gimmick stays intact, because they think that the book is different every time that it's read. It makes sense that they would think this way; they're four years old. It's one of those rare moments where D.W. is liked rather than hated.
  • Muffy's Dream Sequence in Lights, Camera, Opera! in which Muffy, Binky, Francine, Prunella, George, Buster and Rodney Gilfry perform an Arthur-ized interpretation of Bizet's Carmen. The characters sing ingeniously-plot-relevant lyrics to the famous melodies from Carmen; Muffy's rendition of Habanera is particularly awesome.
  • Attack of the Turbo Tibbles has one of the Tibbles hit D.W. with a swing. Unlike the Big Hit example above, D.W. didn't deserve it and it felt more as a Kick the Dog moment, but considering that D.W. is regarded as The Scrappy and how she usually gets away scot free in most episodes, this felt like Laser-Guided Karma. Not to mention that she was hit so hard that she had to get stitches. The Tibbles actually caused more damage onto her than what Arthur gave.
  • "Fifteen." Arthur's report is recovered just in time to give his class a No Homework Day (which, given Nigel Ratburn, is awesome in itself), George wins a quiz show, as well as money for the school and Pal foils Nemo, and D.W. is nowhere in sight.
  • "D.W. Rides Again." Love or hate D.W., when she taught herself to ride a two-wheeled bicycle at the end, nearly turning herself into one giant scab in the end, catching up with Arthur and his friends, and showing up the Tibble twins all in one was pretty impressive.

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