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  • Alas, Poor Villain / Cry for the Devil: Hermann's final scene, in which he is coldly disowned by his father, the very bastard whose twisted way of life caused Hermann to become evil to begin with. Sure, Hermann brought it on himself but it still hurts to see his anguished reaction.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Pretty much every single music piece is great, but special mention goes to "Jounetsu" (the Flamenco song), "The Angel that can't fly" (Raphael and Sylvie's duet) and "Waltz Number 5".
  • Die for Our Ship: The bashing of Marianne in various sites like YouTube.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Despite being a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, a Karma Houdini and basically not very likable at all, Rosemary somehow managed to win the 2004 Sai Moe contest, beating Nadja herself on the final no less. Really. Quite ironic that the final round of a popularity contest just happened to be between Nadja and Rosemary and Rosemary won over her. Guess she got the last laugh after all.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Rosemary Applefield, believing Nadja was stealing the princess life Rosemary had always dreamed of away from her and casting her aside, becomes a willing participant in Hermann Preminger's schemes and proves herself a deceptive, manipulative, and ruthless schemer in her own right at only age 13. Pretending to be the long lost Nadja Preminger to the Duke and to Nadja's mother Colette, Rosemary charms everyone with her elegance, courtesy, and seeming innocence, which proves useful when implicating the real Nadja, the Black Rose, and even the Applefield orphanage in alleged crimes against her. When Nadja catches her in this act, Rosemary feigns being a victim of Hermann's cruel plot before shredding Nadja's most cherished dress right before her eyes. In a later meeting Rosemary emotionally agitates Nadja to where it looks like she's assaulting Rosemary, which gets the police to go after Nadja. Nadja returns to prove her identity, but Rosemary is able to counter her claims with quick thinking and skillful manipulation of others in the room. After getting what she'd wanted but finding Victory Is Boring, Rosemary is quick to denounce her alliance with Hermann, who himself has come to fear her. When Rosemary is proven to be a fraud, she gets only a slap in the face before showing herself to be a Graceful Loser and imparts words of advice to Nadja as she leaves the manor of her own accord, receiving no punishment for her actions and even earning Nadja's respect.