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  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Kristen Bell voices Lucy Stillman, Vidic's lab assistant who operates the animus, and is a member of the same group of assassins that Altaïr was a part of. Desmond is voiced by Nolan North, the 2008 Prince of Persia (and Nathan Drake), which in turn is voiced by Nolan North's dub seiyuu Hiroki Tochi.
    • And for anime fans, in Japanese dub Altaïr is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi aka Kamina (noticeably audible here).
    • Desmond's Italian actor is also Sasuke Uchiha.
    • And for any Quebecers (where the game is from), the voice of Garnier de Naplouse (Hubert Fielden) is the French-Canadian dub voice for Dumbledore Playing Against Type (you may have recognized him as the Old Man in Prince of Persia Warrior Within).
    • For anyone (re)playing this game after the sequels, the Rafiq in Damascus and some of the generic citizens have the same voice actor as Leonardo.
    • Anyone who has watched the cartoon Arthur may recognize Mr. Ratburn (Arthur Holden) as Sibrand.
    • Any British comedy fans playing the first Assassin's Creed might've heard the distinctive voice of Josie Lawrence.
  • The Wiki Rule: Assassin's Creed Wiki