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  • When Altaïr intercepts King Richard and informs him of Robert de Sablé's betrayal, he has no evidence of his claims when Richard demands proof... except to say that Richard must have known his men very well, and ask if it's truly that hard to believe that they planned to betray him. And what does Richard do? He immediately turns to ask Robert if he's a traitor.
    • King Richard and Robert get another one a few seconds later.

(Richard is deciding whether to believe Robert or Altaïr)
Richard: It is a difficult decision, one I cannot make alone. I must leave it in the hands of one wiser than I.
Robert: Thank you.
Richard: ...No, Robert, not you.

  • Between Altair and the Rafiq in Damascus.

Rafiq: Altaïr, my friend, welcome, welcome! Whose life do you come to collect today?
Altaïr: His name is Abu'l Nuquod. What can you tell me about him?
Rafiq: Oh, the Merchant King of Damas, richest man in the city! Quite exciting, quite dangerous! I envy you, Altaïr! Well, not the part where you were beaten and stripped of your rank, but I envy everything else! Oh, and except for the terrible things the other Assassins say about you, but yes, aside from the failure and the hatred, yes, aside from those things, I envy you very much!

  • Sibrand gets one during one of the Eavesdropping missions. He catches two of his guards talking to each other, and demands to know if they're plotting against him. When they deny this, he roars at them:

Sibrand: Damned Assassins... they're probably here right now, watching us! [yells into the crowd] Do you find this amusing? Do you?!


Desmond: I thought the Templars were some old guys in funny looking hats who sat around drinking beer planning world domination with lizard people.

  • The first official Leap of Faith. Altair and the fellow next to him perform the feat perfectly and effortlessly. The chap on the far left breaks his leg and starts screaming.
  • Lingering in the Assassin's hideout on the first mission in Jerusalem makes Malik very snarky.

Malik: Thinking of another great plan, Altaïr? Like the one back at Solomon's Temple?
Malik: A wise approach, Altaïr. If you stay here, Talal will just die of old age.
