Cleopatra calling Caesar out on his sabotage of the palace construction.
Dogmatix, drinking a life-saving drip of magic potion in the Asterix in Britain movie. Bulldog-asskicking ensues.
Obelix (while de-aged and no longer has his Super Strength in Obelix All at Sea) sees Asterix get knocked out. This results in him growing back to adult size and strength. Ass-kicking ensues.
In Asterix and the Roman Agent and The Mansions of the Gods, when the villagers get over their quarrels and proceed to kick ass. There's something deeply satisfying in watching the bunch getting their differences fixed by busting fools.
Whenever Cacophonix gets invited to the big feast at the end of the book, instead of being hogtied as always. Because it always happens if the bard did something utterly badass, intentionally or not.
Obelix's birthday in Obelix and Co. They got him a whole camp full of brand new Romans, for Jupiter's sake. While they stood in the background singing "Happy Birthday", too!
In Asterix and the Twelve Tasks, Asterix's meeting with Iris, the Egyptian magician. It has to be seen. It eventually ends with Iris short-circuiting his eyes and hypnotizing himself into believing he's a wild boar. He runs out onto the yard to the previous people he hypnotized, believing themselves to be a cat and a bird.
"That must be useful for reading at night."
In another Task in the same movie, Asterix deals with the Bureaucrats of the House that Drives Men Manby fast-talking a couple of desk clerks into looking for a document that doesn't exist, which causes a chain reaction of office workers leaving their post to look for it throughout their own insanity-causing maze of a building. It ends with the entire building's workforce running around, mad as hatters.
In Asterix and the Laurel Wreath a roman slave has our heroes thrown into prison for attempted murder of Caesar, then winds up "ab-so-lute-ly blotto" in a pub. Asterix waking him up, paired with his reaction, is the stuff of legends.
In Asterix and the Actress Obelix punches Asterix in a temper and Getafix gives Asterix some magic potion, thus causing Asterix to go completely insane.
Asterix and the Cauldron ends with the pirates, of all people, enjoying an unexpected windfall when the titular cauldron filled with Whosemoralsarelastix's hoard of sestertii falls into their ship.
Say what you want about Asterix and Obelix All At Sea, but Obelix, having not gotten to battle any Romans for most of the album, driving a damn galley into the camp of Aquarium is nothing short of awesome. There are dual-wielding Romans. That doesn't mean people from Rome dual-wielding weapons — that means Obelix actually, literally dual-wielding a couple of Romans.