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Basic Trope: Enemy that splits into smaller ones when killed.
- Straight: After killing a Purple Blob, it splits into 2 smaller independent Black Blobs.
- Exaggerated:
- After killing a Red Blob, it splits into 2 Orange Blobs which each split into 2 Yellow Blobs when killed which each splits into 2 Green Blobs when killed which split into 2 Blue Blobs when killed which split into 2 Purple Blobs when killed and which finally split into 2 Black Blobs when killed.
- Alternatively, after a Noise Blob is killed, it splits into 300 smaller independent Black Blobs.
- Alternatively, every monster type in the game splits into smaller monsters when killed.
- Justified: Blobs in the game are very small and each part takes 10 minutes to start independently moving and there's a large biological description given on how they do that.
- Inverted: After a Grey Cubecircuit is killed, it turns translucent until another Grey Cubecircuit is killed in which case they join together and start attacking the player a a single enemy.
- Subverted: After a Purple Blob is killed, it turns into 3 black chunks of slime which move a bit at first but then just stay on the ground.
- Double Subverted: After a Purple Blob is killed, it turns into 3 black chunks of slime which move a bit at first but then just stay on the ground. However, later, when reentering the cave they were in, they're very much alive and try to attack the player.
- Parodied: The Hero finds himself fighting so many endless dividing blobs that he stabs himself, only to split into two different heroes.
- Deconstructed: Main villain the Great Chohmelrae Blob who rules over all other blobs, has split into 4 smaller parts before killing a hero in his Hopeless Boss Fight. However, there will be now a conflict between different parts of the Great Chohmelrae Blob.
- Reconstructed: ???
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: After killing a Purple Blob, it is simply killed.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Dr. Goldstein attempts to create a monster which splits into multiple individuals in case it gets killed.
- Exploited: Purple Blob kills itself to split into 2 smaller Black Blobs so it could hunt the player if it has retreated into tight caverns.
- Defied: Bob crushed a Purple Blob with a stone block, crushing it and preventing from splitting into smaller parts.
- Discussed: "I wish I had the ability to split into two if I was killed."
- Conversed: ???
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