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The third game in the Atelier for the Nintendo DS console, released in December of 2009. Atelier Lina: The Alchemist of Strahl starts off with Lina, an alchemist who just received her state alchemy certificate, returning home to show it to her childhood friend, Luon. As she's returning home, however, she comes across a tree on fire... which turns out to be the home of a clan of fairies. And, upon seeing Lina at the scene, the fairies assume she's responsible. Thus, Lina is left with little choice but to travel across the country, using her newfound alchemic skill to earn enough to help the fairies rebuild their home... and just maybe track down who's responsible for this mess in the first place.

Tropes used in Atelier Lina include:
  • Grey Haired Pretty Boy: Luon
  • Hair of Gold: Lina
  • Misblamed: In-universe. Lina had nothing to do with the fire that damaged the home of the fairies, but they found her at the scene and assumed they "caught her red-handed" and wouldn't be persuaded otherwise. The main narrative thrust of the game is helping them rebuild and/or clearing Lina's name.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Applies mostly to the name of the country in which the game takes place. Is it Schtrole or Strahl? Sources can't really agree.
    • "Herrenlose" and "Marcherra" also run into this a bit - another way of spelling the former's name is the more-sensible-looking "Helenrose" (and given that her nickname is "ヘレン", well...), and the latter's name is supposed to be pronounced with a "soft c", but most people coming into the name cold without knowing the kana would (logically) pronounce it like "march", so a clearer way of spelling her name is "Marsherra".