Attack of the Super-Wizards is a webcomic by Joey Peters that takes Stardust and the other creations of Fletcher Hanks and reinvents them for every era of comic book history.
Tropes used in Attack of the Super Wizards include:
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: That's just what Stardust the Super-Wizard does.
- Alliterative Name: Rosemary Redgrave, Rachel Remo, Stephen Smith...
- Retraux Flashback: The entire point behind the comic.
- Anthology Comic: The comic is structured as a collection of semi-connected independent comics.
- The Ages of Super Hero Comics: That's the basis of the comic, Stardust being reinterpreted for each era from the Golden Age up to today.
- Super Dickery: In one story Stardust fake marries his mermaid friend to piss off his current girlfriend.
- Captain Ersatz: Stardust got his start as a Captain Ersatz version of Superman. And the tradition continues inside the comic with Nebula the Hyper Engineer, a Captain Ersatz of a Captain Ersatz.
- Sirius the Star Dog is pretty much Krypto the Super Dog and Captain Carrot put through a blender
- And Stardust, Fantomah and Big Red McLane are the Hanksverse Big Three, just like Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman.
- Kid Sidekick: Stardust's young ward, Sunspot.
- Badass Normal: Big Red Mc Lane, Earth's Mightiest Lumberjack
- Prehensile Hair: Merlin, the Alan Moore Captain Ersatz.