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Grisha Yeager[]

Eren. Behave while I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar.
—Grisha Yeager

Eren's Father. He is a doctor. In an off hand manner Hannes says that Dr. Yeager "single handedly spared us from the plague". Unlike Eren's mother, he voiced no opposition to Eren's desire to join the scouts. Probably the most important thing about him[1] is the enigmatic and important project that Grisha has been working on in the basement/cellar.

Carla Yeager[]

Eren's mom. She strongly objected to Eren's decision to join the scouts, which, especially at that time, had a notoriously high mortality rate.

Eren Yeager[]

Eren Yeager: lack luster in the class room. Marginally better in the field. But, driven by a sense of purpose that's almost terrifying.
—Drill Sargent

Eren's most defining characteristics are his stubbornness, hatred for Titans, and desire to secure mankind's existence outside the walls.

  • Animal Motifs: Eren is heavily associated with birds, in particular the parasitic jaeger, Their ability to fly completely detached from the world is likened to Eren's own desire for freedom.
    • Eren is heavily associated with wolves. his Attack Titan form has several wolf-like features, such as its wild hair, vicious nature in combat and exposed teeth.
  • Determinator: Eren is portrayed as this, but he doesn't count if you consider willing to think things through as a requirement.
  • Mythical Motifs: Eren is heavily associated with Loki from Norse Mythology. Loki is a Jotunn, yet accepted among the Aesir as Odin's blood brother, and while he causes no small amount of trouble, he also helps to fix most of his mistakes, even after the Aesir chain up one of his sons inside of a cave and throw the other into the ocean. Once Loki goes too far, though, he is severely punished, leading him to become extremely bitter and enact his revenge by causing Ragnarok, which will see virtually all of the gods slain, including Loki himself. Eren is initially very idealistic and even after being confronted with the truth about the world outside of the walls, is willing to try and find a way to coexist. After seeing the extreme systemic racism that Eldians face and Marley attempting to demonize him into a devil so that the world can enact a Final Solution against the Eldians of Paradis, though, Eren ultimately decides to be the kind of monster they implied he was; he becomes a cunning schemer and sets up events to use the Titans to enact a Final Solution on the rest of the world in defense of his home.
    • In accordance, Eren also has several parallels to the children of Loki;
      • Fenrir; his Attack Titan form has several wolf-like features, such as its wild hair, vicious nature in combat and exposed teeth. Furthermore, Fenrir is known for swallowing Odin, the Nordic Top God, whole; Eren eats Grisha, who was the previous holder of not just the Attack Titan, but Founding Titan, the most significant Titan power of all.
      • Jormungandr; When Eren takes on his Founding Titan form, it is very long and whilst not slender, is still serpent-like, especially the smaller ribcage handing off the front. And like Jormungandr being one of the two Nordic Beast of the Apocalypse, Eren brings about the world's end via the Rumbling like this.
      • Hel; With the Founding Titan and Ymir's assistance, Eren is able to revive several past Titan Shifters to do his biding; like Loki's daughter, he is essentially the master of the dead.

Armin Arlert[]

Mikasa Ackerman[]

  • Determinator: One of Eren's mom Last Requests was that she look after Eren. We later find out that this isn't the only reason she looks after him so closely. Admittedly, she does give up at one point, but still keeps fighting[2]

Eren, as long as you're a part of my life, I can fight to the bitter end.

  • Dark and Troubled Past: This is why she was around Eren so much in the first episode. Her parent's were killed and she was taken in by Eren's family.

Survey Corps[]

Hange Zoe[]

Back to Attack on Titan
  1. aside, perhaps, from stopping a plague that we never hear about
  2. I'm not quite sure if that is understandable. She didn't understand it either.