Au Sable is a freeware Survival Horror game by Amon26 released in March of 2009. The game puts the player in the role of strange red-headed girl named Harmonia in a surreal, occult-driven world where bizarre events take place.
See also All of Our Friends Are Dead, another surreal action-platformer by the same creator, and The Hunt, a First-Person Shooter prequel to Au Sable.
Tropes used in Au Sable include:
- Action Girl: Harmonia.
- Body Horror
- Bottomless Magazines
- Dark World
- Dead Guy on Display
- Drone of Dread
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eldritch Location
- Madness Mantra
- Mind Screw
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: Harmonia will die in one hit.
- Surreal Horror: Expected from the creator All of Our Friends Are Dead.