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  • Austin: I'll always be an Ally Dawson fan.
  • This:

Ally: I don't need Pickles anymore. I have a new goose. His name is Austin.

Austin: Cool! You named a goose after me?

  • Austin: I don't care if Tilly destroys my career. I'd rather that happen than let you suffer.
  • After Dallas turns Ally down for a dance Austin decides to dance with Ally instead of performing for a club owner.
    • Austin being on crutches with a sprained ankle caused by her previous attempt at dancing no less.
  • Austin: I don't care if the world doesn't know how talented you are. I always will.
  • Averted by Dez at least three times in "Deejays & Demos".
    • When, Austin tells Ally "I could never do what I do without you, you're awesome," he seems to be reacting to that, but in reality claims he saw the cutest kid destroying a nice violin.
    • When Austin announces he's going to find a way to expose Ally's talent, he seems to be reacting to that, but instead points out a cute poster of a puppy and a bunny rabbit.
    • During the scene where Austin tells her "I don't care if the world doesn't know how talented you are. I always will" (see above), he seems to be reacting to that, but in reality is examining his own tonsils.

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