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"A sick feeling of repugnance and apprehension grows in me as I near Australia."
From the diary of Sir Robert Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia, May 23, 1941

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.
Charles Schultz


Australia's a lovely land
It's full of bonza blokes,
Sheilas, beer and no-one's queer
Except in Pommie jokes.

Australians are lovely chaps
They're God's own chosen race.
If they ever see a fairy Pom
They'll smash him in the face.

Australians like dressing up
In skirts and having fun
And that's all we were doing

When the Vice Squad came along.

"Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas."
Keppel Enderbery


   Lightning cracked in the sky of this desolate wasteland, yet despite the thunderclouds, which painted the sky the colour of a bruise, there was no relief for this parched land. The ruins of a dead city, smothered in dust the colour of blood, were revealed in each flash of light. And in those brief moments of light, things could be seen moving, things that moved in a way which was anathema to the human eye, all squirming and crawling and too many legs.
   Some would have called this place Hell.
   Fools. The depths of the horrors imagined by Dante could not match the abominations that dwelt in this place.

   This was Australia.