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  • Anvilicious
  • Complete Monster - Neil Fletcher. This guy's just plain bad, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Although his reaction to his wife's death could be a case of Even Evil Has Loved Ones.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - kid + canyon + cattle
  • Ending Fatigue - It has three climaxes.
  • Hype Backlash - It had a lot of buildup and looked like it was going to get Baz Luhrmann lots of critical praise and some award show love. When it came out, it was mostly found to be mediocre.
  • Narm - Arguably the whole film. Hence it's frequent reputation as Baz Luhrmann's Pearl Harbor.
    • 'Drove 'em home, Drover'.
    • 'I mix with dingoes, not duchesses'.