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Avalon Heroes is an online game crossing the Action-RPG and RTS genres, much in the same manner as games like League of Legends and Defense of the Ancients. While bearing many similarities to the aforementioned games, Avalon Heroes still manages to have its own style, featuring anime-style characters who seem to all run on Rule of Cool.
The game features two different factions, the first being Aeonia, a typical swords and sorcery sort of group based quite a bit on traditional European fantasy. The second faction is Oriens, which is based more on Oriental fantasy. Players create a 'kin', a sort of heroes guild that allies itself with one faction or the other, using the heroes specific to that faction, though they can always switch to the other side in between games. Each game a player picks one hero from the ones available to your kin.
Individual games range from Battle mode, where two teams fight to destroy the other's base; Adventure Mode, a cooperative mode where players from both factions band together to take down a computer-controlled dungeon and boss; and Scenario Mode, a single-player adventure that tells the story of the world, allowing one to also unlock new heroes.
Korean game that recently was given an English/European release. It's a free-to-play, pay-for-perks game.
- Action Girl: Pallas. Armed with a sword, a maul, an arbalest and a handful of throwing axes probably hidden in her underwear.
- Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: Mirror of Disintegration, apparently. Or at least when you're up against Laina, Shaochun or Aiken.
- An Axe to Grind: Elinesse and Bazraal.
- The Archer: ARC, Dukan, and Bingyokyung.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Yohog has a buff called Grand Elemental Stance that (luckily for the opponents) only affects her and Juajin, making them a formidable two-person team.
- Baleful Polymorph: Gandilva possesses the ability to turn other heroes into a mandrake plant, temporarily.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Juajin.
- Barrier Warrior: Maguiel with her HUGE shields.
- The Beast Master: Heathpati is this mixed with a bit of Forest Ranger.
- Blade on a Stick: Jarje.
- Blind Idiot Translation: The dialogue translations for the scenarios can be understood, but are pretty painfully bad at times.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Takiru's voice acting makes him sound like this.
- Baratsh is another.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: The in-game store. Some items can be obtained normally, but items such as a potion which grant you invulnerability will cost you real money.
- The Corrupter: Novek.
- Cute Bruiser: Juajin. Although a scantly clad teenage girl at first glance, she can do some serious damage with her fists.
- Deal with the Devil: The whole Aiken and Novek relationship.
- The Evil Prince: Aiken almost literally sells his soul to the devil in order to surpass Keias and become Aeonian king.
- Excuse Plot
- Fake Difficulty: Scenarios. See below.
- Glass Cannon: Many heroes qualify as this, particularly the ones focusing on Agility.
- Grumpy Old Man: Jarje, while not being that old, often acts like one.
- Guns Are Worthless: While not exactly worthless, many characters have some form of firearm, which ends up being no more powerful than those fighting with any other weapon.
- The Gunslinger: Jonathan.
- The Hero: Keias serves this role in the Aeonia scenarios. For Oriens, this instead seems to be Takiru.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Keias. Raiksha also uses swords, though it's debatable if he's the 'hero' of Oriens.
- Human Popsicle: The end result if you're hit with Bingyokyung's ultimate.
- An Ice Person: Bingyokyung. Also, the smaller half of the Fletcher Brothers.
- Improbable Weapon User: Many heroes use some odd weapons, including harps, drums, and stone statues.
- Item Crafting
- Jack of All Stats: Raiksha, Juajin, Pallas and Keias are all well-rounded fighters.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Keias, without doubt.
- Lady of War: Nachasha arguably qualifies.
- The Lancer: Jarje serves this role to Keias during the Aeonia scenarios.
- Lethal Joke Character: Shaochun and Elinesse are difficult to take seriously. Until they kill you.
- Level Grinding: Quite a bit of every match involves running around and slaying monsters for experience and gold.
- Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: Inverted, as most abilities don't scale with level, while auto-attack damage continues to rise. Partially averted with some heroes though, as a few abilities do scale with certain stats.
- Luck Stat: Works exactly as the description says.
- Magic Music: Laina and Gandilva use this.
- Making a Splash: The newly-added Subaekrim is a water maiden. Possibly, Bingyokyung's 'hotter' sister, as some people joke.
- Money Spider: All creeps drop money, but a certain map has two literal money spiders that drop 300 gold, which is almost double the amount most other monsters give you.
- Musical Assassin: Again, Laina and Gandilva.
- Playing with Fire: Yunkwanchung's and Ignes' schticks. Also, the larger half of the Fletcher Brothers.
- The Power of Love: Elinesse literally emanates it.
- Properly Paranoid: Dukan, when you first encounter him.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Quite a few of the heroes are some form of royalty or leaders of their people, most obviously Keias, Raiksha, and Nachasha.
- Rule of Cool: Seems to be how the characters are designed.
- Shape Shifter: Takiru and Kazure.
- Shock and Awe: Jarje's schtick.
- Silly Walk: Oh, so many.
- Lejena looks like she's doing pirouettes (sorta justified, since she's literally running on air).
- Yohog skips along merrily and waves her hands in the air.
- Ignes' looks completely normal... until you realise he's doing typical walking motions even though he has no feet.
- Sniper Rifle: MOON's weapon.
- Squishy Wizard: Most Intelligence heroes are this.
- Stone Wall: Most PHY heroes are this.
- Summon Magic: Aiken specializes in this.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Keias can summon his evil half, Cain, to fight with him, which has a few powerful abilities that makes Keias very difficult to kill.
- Trial and Error Gameplay: Scenarios tend to focus their difficulty on cheap-shots, poorly translated instructions, and a lot of this.
- Villain Shoes: Most of the Oriens scenario missions.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Bingyokyung.
- Younger Than They Look: Juajin. She's intended to be a fairly young girl, yet her character art has her being very...well developed, not to mention her voice actress sounds very adult.