Avenger is an experimental 13 episode Space Opera Series from studio Bee Train Productions Inc., with Bandai Visual. Taking place in the distant future on a deteriorating space colony on Mars, a young woman by the name of Layla Ashley is a top notch Gladiator with a Dark and Troubled Past who travels about the decaying planet. Her companions are Nei, a strange and unique doll with some unknown ties to Layla, and Speedy, who is a doll breeder. The founders of Mars see the trio as a threat to their world, and each time they attack Layla and Nei a bit more of their mysterious past and future is revealed. The series remains mostly forgotten today, spare the fans.
Tropes used in Avenger include:
- Action Girl: Layla Ashley is a Gladiator.
- Ali Project: Second collaboration between Koichi Mashimo and the musical duo since Noir. This time, they did the entire soundtrack.
- Catch Phrase: Layla Ashley has them too. "Try just try and kill me." or "Kill me if you can."
- Colony Drop: The Earth's Moon is on a slow collision course with Mars. It hangs in the sky ominously, huge and tainted red by the planet's glow.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Layla Ashley in particular. Volk killed Layla's Parents while their shuttle was inbound.
- Days of Future Past: Except for the technology level, Mars's society is awfully reminiscent of the city-states of ancient Greece.
- Kill'Em All: Volk destroys a shuttle full of incoming colony immigrants
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Wendee Lee plays Vesta in the dub.
- Les Yay: Debatable.[context?]
- Sic Em: Androids are in hot pursuit of Layla and company.
- Replacement Goldfish: Dolls were created when children stopped being born on Mars.
- Robot Kid: Dolls.
- Space Opera
- Spell My Name with an "S": The Japanese version goes by Westa while the English dub goes by Vesta
- Stern Chase[context?]
- Tired of Running: Layla decides to face Volk after he calls for a showdown with her.