Avengers: United Battle Force is an in-development remake of Captain America and The Avengers by O Illusionista in the Open BOR engine. The game is greatly expanded from its original counterpart, with more characters and special moves. There are assist characters, character specific properties, and powerful limit breaks that can sweep the screen.
Tropes used[]
- Assist Character : One can summon characters to appear, help out, and then vanish. Some of these are also playable, while others appear stricitly as part of this function. There are also a handful of NPCs who jump in assist you with life-bars, like the Marvel First Alliance helpers.
- Cast From Hit Points: Characters have a break-out move performed similarly to the Limit Breaks of Marvel First Alliance 2
- Fan Remake
- Frickin' Laser Beams: UNIBEAM!
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: Madame Masque's profile mentions she is capable of acts of great compassion. She won't appear as a helper character, just as a boss.
- Hulk Speak: Guess who?
- Kick the Dog: In the first stage, you see the baddies killing a civilian for no apparent reason other than to freak you out.
- Limit Break: Much harder than in Marvel First Alliance 2. You press down, up, down, and special, Which is normally a breakout move if you misfire
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Man On Fire
- Mecha-Mooks
- Museum Game : The game features information on plenty of the heroes and villains that appear.
- The Psycho Rangers: The Hydra Four.
- Stance System: Abigail Brand can draw her guns. Hawkeye can change what arrow he uses. Emma Frost has her organic diamond form. A sort of "Groove"/ism system is in place for several characters, including Tigra (into Hellcat), Iron Man (into his Mark I armor), and Wolverine (Ultimate Mode)
- Wrestler in All of Us: Grappling is quite emphasized in this game, with Red Hulk as a standout. Once Hercules joins, he will be the definitive grappler of the game.