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  • "Friends in Low Places". If you don't find yourself singing along near the end...
    • Hell, pretty much all of Garth Brooks hits qualifies for this trope!
  • Try George Strait. "Amarillo by Morning" and "I Can Still Make Cheyenne" are considered two of the best modern cowboy songs ever. And the former was originally someone else's song.
    • Don't forget "Clear Blue Sky".
    • Pretty much anything sung by George Strait is a CMoA. There are very few exceptions and even those exceptions are somewhat awesome.
  • Speaking of Georges, there's also "He Stopped Loving Her Today" by George Jones, which often tops polls as the best country song ever.
  • Johnny Cash. "Ring of Fire" is his most well-known, but some other gems can be found: "The Man Comes Around" and his cover of "Sam Hall" from American IV are amongst the least tragic on the album, while his cover of "Danny Boy" can move you to tears.
    • When Johnny Cash covered NIN's "Hurt", Trent Reznor said this:

I pop the video in, and wow... Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore.
