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Personnel: Doctor, we need your help defusing this Atom Bomb! |
Nonsensical, almost YouTubePoop-ish animated shorts parodies. Usually affectionate, mostly hosted on Newgrounds, starting with the Metal Gear Awesome series and, like The Abridged Series, spawning Awesome clones. Titles often go as such: Grand Theft Awesome, Awesomefield, and so on. A similar concept done by the same creator for anime is Girlchan in Paradise.
Their main weapons are exaggerating characters and flaws as well as random humor.
Find them here.
Egoraptor appeared briefly as contestant on Season 3 of The Tester before being eliminated in the third episode on a relative technicality (being on three losing teams in a row; team composition was random).
- Affectionate Parody - Usually.
- Angrish: Gears of Awesome
- Art Evolution: The animation quality has noticeably improved since the first few installments.
- This was deliberate. While Metal Gear Awesome was animated with limited knowledge of flash animation, subsequent awesome cartoons were purposefully done sloppily at the request of MTV, who originally hosted them. Once Egoraptor was no longer animating for them, he was free to do them with as much production value as he cared to, compare Awesome Crossing and Awesome Center with their Reduxes and Awesome the Hedgehog to Awesome Chaotix (the 'sequel').
- Ascended Meme - David Hayter saying "OHMYGODHOTNESSIWANNABANGYOU!"
- Even better when Egoraptor himself says it BACK to him.
- Axe Crazy: Marcus and Dom in Gears of Awesome.
- Because Destiny Says So / The Chosen One: Legend of Awesome.
Navi: You have to saaaaaaave the world. |
- Berserk Button - In Awesome Noire, mentioning to the police chief that he has a "double-chin thing".
- Egoraptor's own button seems to be intrusive tutorial segments that assume Viewers Are Morons, pointing out that older games managed to show players how to do things more naturally just through clever level design.
- Character Exaggeration - Ranging from the Gears being raging jocks in Gears of Awesome to Mei Ling being annoying.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Egoraptor himself.
- Cluster F Bomb: Lampshaded by Egoraptor himself in Sequelitis.
Egoraptor: I know you're not a stupid kid, 'cause I say "FUCK" a lot and you're okay with that. |
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Brutally, brutally averted in Awesome Gaiden.
- Creator Backlash: Egoraptor claimed that, of all his Awesome cartoons, his least favourites were Awesome Cracks Down and Awesome Rising.
- Deranged Animation: All of them, but reaches its zenith in the completely insane Awesome Reach.
- Development Hell: Egoraptor has hinted many times before of the rumored Metal Gear Awesome 3 and if he really has been working on it, It's taking an awfully long time.
- He recently stated he only has one joke for the proposed Metal Gear Awesome 3, so it might be a mild case of writer's block.
- A recent Q&A at Reddit reveals that he's working on it.
- The Ditz: Ash is flanderized as this from his usual Idiot Hero personality.
- Does This Remind You of Anything: Just try listening to Awesome Reach and not think of a seriously hardcore gay sex scene.
- That scene was meant to illustrate intense gaming of two Halo fanboys, but I guess Freud Was Right.
- Indeed. (NSFW)
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Vector in Awesome Chaotix.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies
Tyler Chase: Doctor, my sister has cancer... ZOMBIE CANCER!!! |
- Eye Take: Happens numerous times when the characters are shocked by some revelation. Lampshaded in Metal Gear Awesome.
- Fan Service - Mocked in Dead or Awesome: EXTREEEEME
- Mocked differently in Awesome Gaiden:
Ryu: HEY! There's a ninja with huge boobs over there. |
- Fast-Forward Gag: Used as a quick joke in Metal Gear Awesome, skipping over the scene where Otacon narrates his backstory...and pausing halfway to find Snake and Otacon about to make out.
- Flat Joy:
Navi: You saaaaved the wooorld! |
- Follow the Bouncing Ball - Gears of Awesome. "WHERE'S MY WIIIIIIIIIFE?!"
- Follow the Leader - Many fans have tried to emulate his style, with varying results. (Examples: Halo: Awesome Evolved and Awesome's Creed)
- Metal Gear Awesome 4: Sons of the Awesome was pretty good too.
- Freeze Frame Bonus: across several videos, even the stand-alone shorts. The credits to "Mr. Literal", for example, features part of the Pokerap (Electrode to Butterfree) as well as part of the credits to the movie Amazing Grace.
- Five-Man Band - Awesome Chaotix, nigs
- The Hero - Knuckles
- The Lancer - Vex (or Vector)
- The Smart Guy - Mighty
- The Big Guy - Espio
- The Chick - Charmy
- Fridge Logic - Lampshaded In-Universe, as depicted players and game characters often have their moments mid-scene.
- Gag Penis
- Awesome Man
- Awesome Reach
- Gross Up Close-Up- taken Up to Eleven levels in Awesome Reach
- Genre Savvy - Mega Man in Awesome Man.
Wily: OOHOOHOOHOO! I have created- |
"Do you really think this is fucking fair?" |
- Ironic, since The Colonel was supposed to tell Snake how to contact Meryl (and, in the sequel toon, how to defeat Psycho Mantis), but he killed him.
- And in Awesome Gaiden:
"Hey yo bitch, I'm the strategy guide. You can't mess with me!" |
- Gorn: Gears of Awesome
- Ha Ha Ha No: Metal Gear Awesome.
Snake: "Why is there a helicopter in the background?" |
- Hypocritical Humor: In PokeAwesome, Pikachu yells at Venusaur for attacking him because his trainer said so and criticizes him for not walking away, but Pikachu was following Ash's orders and throwing Venusaur like a ragdoll because Ash told him to. Plus, he attacked first.
- Ho Yay: In-Universe in "Metal Gear Awesome", between Snake and Otacon while Egoraptor tries to fast forward through the game
Otacon: ...are you coming on to me?! |
The Agent: Why the hell are you making fun of me? I just got exploded. Seriously. I mean look at me, I'm still flyin' through the air, and who knows where the hell I'm going to land. And even then I'm still going to be on fire. God. |
- The Prince of Awesome is basically the eponymous Prince falling down a cliff for about a minute, at which point he resets time and gets dragged back up the cliff, before falling down the cliff again.
- Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence - Lampshaded in Resident Awesome 4
- Jossed - In a sense. Some of Egoraptor's fans asked if he would do an awesome cartoon based on an animated series, which Egoraptor stated he didn't want to do as the Awesome series is very video game based.
- Jive Turkey - Awesome the Hedgehog:
Sonic: "Hey maaaaan, let's go save the world duuuuude, fo' rizzle!" |
- Pretty much 90% of the dialogue in Awesome Chaotix
- Gray Fox/Deepthroat in Metal Gear Awesome 2 (but not in the original).
- Barret in the prototypical Final Fantasy VII parodies.
- Large Ham: Egoraptor, to the point where one YouTube video dubbed one of his rants over clips of Kamina. Some commenters claimed he should have voiced Kamina in the dub.
- Literal Metaphor: Mr. Literal, natch.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: Pikachu freaks out over a knee injury in PokeAwesome: Just A Pokemon Battle.
- Mood Whiplash: Awesome Chaotix.
- Mundane Made Awesome - Awesome Center--played for all it's worth
- Mushroom Samba - Super Awesome Bros.
- Nintendo Hard - Awesome Gaiden, natch
Ryu: Oh, you think that's hard!? I'M JUST THE TUTORIAL LEVEL! THAT'S THE NEXT LEVEL OVER THERE! *cut to army of buff ninjas* |
- Oh Crap - Awesome Gaiden
Strategy Guide: Hey you bitch! I'm the Strategy Guide! You can't mess with me! |
- Pals With Jesus - Metal Gear Awesome shows Jesus aiding Snake a couple of times.
Jesus: It's cooool. |
- Played for Laughs - The entire point of the series.
- Pokémon Speak: Enforced...sorta. Venusaur and Pikachu are both capable of speaking proper English. In Venusaur's case, he'll say what he means, and then correct himself with "I mean, Venusaur." In Pikachu's case, he doesn't start speaking English until he takes a solarbeam to the knee.
- Precision F-Strike - Eggman in Awesome the Hedgehog
Eggman: Sonic will fall right into my trap. |
- Also used in Awesome Kong
Kong: Ah, it's no big deal, I mean, what are the odds...
Kong: Fuck. |
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis! - Gears of Awesome: "WHERE'S! MY! WIFE!"
- Complete with a sing-along bouncing O-face...dude...guy...thing from Awesome Center.
- From Awesome Reach:
"Ready doesn't even! Fucking!! DESCRIBE IT!!! |
- Recycled in Space - Metal Gill Jawesome: It's Metal Gear Awesome WITH MARINE ANIMALS!
- Rule of Cool - Awesome May Cry
- Rule of Funny - Flanderization occurs to abide by this rule.
- Smash Cut: Used to full comedic effect.
"Gawd these FUCKIN LIP--!" |
- Almost every transition in the Sequelitis series cuts Egoraptor's dialogue off.
"Let me level with you for a second. Electrical Engineering? Pretty smart. General Relativity? Pretty fuckin' smart. The Intro Stage In Mega MaFUCKING. GENIUS." |
- Small Name Big Ego: Defied but parodied. Egoraptor himself joking invoked this by proclaiming to be God, but in real life he's said many times he's not a person like that, and was open to the idea of going to grab a beer with some fans in an interview.
- Stop Helping Me - Legend of Awesome has Link doing this to Navi.
- Shadow of the Awesome: "Hey asshole, if I wanted your help, I'd buy a fucking strategy guide!"
- "Mega Man! Mega Man! There's a hole in the zipline that" *punch* "No, SHUT UP! I don't NEED you!"
- Surreal Humor - the parodies of the subjects are so extreme that they become this, as well as the expressions. Dear God, the expressions.
- Take That
- Awesome Reach is essentially one long insult to fans of Halo Reach.
- Awesomefield, a fan-made contribution, has a low opinion of the movie.
- PSP Squirrels!
- Which Sony probably didn't take too well...
- This Is for Emphasis Bitch - Awesome Gaiden: "Hey, you bitch! I'm the strategy guide!"
- Trial and Error Gameplay - Metal Gear Awesome again.
- Unstoppable Rage: Clyde from Pac Awesome
Pinky: Wow, dude. You suck.
- What about Ryu In Awesome Gaiden not even the Strategy Guide could stop him!
- Waterfall Puke: Pikachu in PokeAwesome
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Gears of Awesome. Damn train.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Pikachu delivers one to Ash and Venusaur after his knee injury, pointing out some of the Fridge Logic behind the Pokémon series.
- Writing By the Seat of Your Pants: Egoraptor has admitted to some of his works being entirely voice acting improv, such as Just Another Pokemon Battle and Awesome Reach. He believes the pacing is better when it's planned out.
- You Just Told Me - From the first Metal Gear Awesome:
Psycho Mantis: You like men! |