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- Arc Fatigue: A story arc where Roy comes back went on for six strips, which, after the one week break after part four, was seven weeks in real life.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: In the "Porcum Iacio" short (based on MythBusters,) Katie shows the gang attempting to build a cannon made out of duct tape (to fire a pig). While they didn't fire any pigs, guess what the MythBusters later built on their show?
- This strip turns out to be spot on in Investigations. See for yourself. This one is actually hinted at in the 5th case of the first game, where you can visit Edgeworth's office and examine everything within... including a Steel Samurai figure.
- Memetic Badass: Katie's dad, if the forumites are to be believed.
- Nightmare Fuel: This.
- Paranoia Fuel: Health Class.
- Tear Jerker: Believe it or not, Situational Gravity is a minor one. Anyone who's played Skyrim knows how unforgiving the physics are, and that poor Khajit just looks so depressed in the final panel...
- Viewer Gender Confusion: If her name weren't Katie more people would probably mistake her Author Avatar for a guy, it doesn't help that she wears the male protagonists' outfits in her Pokemon strips.
- Wangst: Poor Marth.