Come on. You know the drill by now — there's a weird twisting, and you find yourself in a strange place with no idea how you got there or why. In this case, however, the people on the other side aren't surprised. You find yourself in large halls of what seems like some nightmarish cross between an airport and a comic book convention — surrounded by strange creatures from every possible universe... and a few impossible ones. Eighty-foot Dragons? Check. Spunky (attractive) Mechanics? Check. Giant Robots? Definitely check. Welcome to Axiom Nexus, traveler. —Axiom Nexus Info Post
Axiom Nexus is a panfandom RPG based on the main city from the Transformers: TransTech universe. Transformers, Axiom Nexus, Cybertron and TransTech are all trademarks of Hasbro; this RPG and its staff are not affiliated with Hasbro in any way other than being ridiculous fans who buy too many of their toys.
It's a bunch of alien robots occasionally beating the tar out of each other, while trying to cope with the fact that they're no longer stuck in a warzone. Sometimes it works. Most of the time, the city gets trashed anyway.
- Action Girl: Mikaela Banes
- Actual Pacifist: Vergil/Weighted Forward.
- Glit
- Axe Crazy: IDW Arcee.
- Back from the Dead: (Nearly) Everyone who dies. Ever.
- Can also refer to the characters who were dead in their canon.
- Jazz
- Mikaela in-game
- IDW Soundwave in-game
- See also Death Is Cheap
- Badass: Edward Elric
- See also Optimus Fucking Prime.
- And Megatron.
- See also Kang
- Hell, most of the cast.
- Bad Guy Bar: The Arena, most of the time.
- Battle Butlers
- Lugnut, for Megatron(s).
- Blackout, for Megatron(s).
- Soundwave(s), for Megatron(s), but never with just one 's'.
- Big Bad: TransTech Shockwave. OR IS IT?????
- Big Damn Heroes: All the Optimus Primes.
- See also Shattered Glass Megatron.
- Big Damn Villains: All the Megatrons.
- See also Shattered Glass Optimus Prime.
- Black Dude Dies First: ... Jazz
- Can't Bathe Without a Weapon: Movie-Universe Transformers of both sides.
- Justified in that their weapons are literally part of their bodies.
- Chaste Hero: Animated Optimus Prime.
- Conspicuous Trenchcoat
- Played straight with Decepticons — the big purple symbols are kind of hard to miss.
- Averted with Dr. Impossible. Dude looks pretty average.
- Cool Ship: The TransTech ship
- Creepy Mortician: Putress.
- Deadly Doctor: Barricade when he isn't fixing other Decepticons
- Death by Materialism: What will likely happen to Dirge one of these days.
- Deus Est Machina: Roughly God is the machine.
- Most giant robots have some kind of deity.
- All Spark
- Primus
- Evil Is Sexy: Magnum (Origins: Megatron). So much.
- IDW Soundwave
- Animated Blackarachnia
- Dr. Impossible
- Edit War: The truth shall make ye free.
- Extreme Omnivore: Dirge after his transformation to techno-organic.
- Fan-Preferred Couple: Everyone knows giant inorganic beings who came into existence to sell a line of toys and whose main purpose in life is to save the world have lots of time for romance! Slashy romance!
- Friend to All Children: IDW Optimus Prime
- Girl Friday: Pepper Potts
- Good Is Dumb: Animated Optimus Prime.
- Sentinel Prime—with more latter and less former.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Dirge wants everything.
- Heartbroken Badass: Ironhide, as of March 2010
- Honor Before Reason: Ironhide, usually.
- Humongous Mecha: Basically the game's premise, and over half the cast.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Jazz and Naomi
- "Magnum" and Mikaela
- Movie Megatron and Soundwave
- Slightly warped/subverted with Ironhide and Jazz. More Huge Guy Tiny Guy
- I Didn't Mean To Turn You On: When the muns decide a ship will happen, suddenly everything makes their characters think things, even when they never thought those things before.
- I Uh You Too: Aw, lookit, Ironhide's being awkward againDai-Guard (talk)
- Intergenerational Friendship: Mikaela and Kang
- It Has Been an Honor: Every time Ironhide talks to Optimus Prime, or Jazz.
- Lots of Optimus speeches end in this.
- Kung Fu Jesus: Optimus Prime
- All of them
- Shouldn't Shattered Glass Prime count as Kung Fu Devil?
- Large Ham: Graham Spector
- Lawful Neutral: Kang
- Mad Scientist
- Wheeljack
- Putress
- Dr. Impossible (His quote is on the trope's page.)
- Mad Scientist Laboratory: Wheeljack's lab
- Made of Explodium: Most of what Wheeljack makes.
- See also No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup and Wave Motion Gun. Dammit, Wheeljack.
- Magnificent Bastard: Magnum
- Dr. Impossible
- Make Up or Break Up: It only takes one fight over something stupid to make bffs break up forever. So sad, so sad.
- Naughty Tentacles: ... Movie Soundwave.
- Neck Lift: Likely to happen to Dirge and any other Starscream related characters.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Most of the muns playing Decepticons fall into this.
- Stupei (Movie Megatron)
- Sae ("Magnum")
- Jess (IDW Arcee)
- Nightmare Fuel: Pretty much anything Shattered Glass Optimus Prime does.
- Such as his facing off with IDW Soundwave, which went into severe And I Must Scream territory.
- Movie Soundwave's Naughty Tentacles, if you're a satellite.
- TransTech Shockwave's experiments fall into this category a lot of times.
- Dirge's sudden conversion to locust mode. Body Horror much?
- Orifice Invasion
- Subverted with Soundwave(s). For them, something climbing into their chest is normal, everyday thing. So long as it's a cassette. Or... animal. Thing.
- Revenge Before Reason: IDW Arcee. Dear Lord.
- Robo Ship: Just... too many to name.
- Robosexual
- Robot Buddy
- Robotic Spouse
- Secret Relationship: Ironhide and Ratchet, before a) they broadcast it all over the network after about five minutes, and b) they broke up forever over a shark. A shark.
- Sinister Surveillance: Both Soundwaves. IDW and Movie.
- Big Brother Is Watching: They see what you did there.
- Taking You with Me: Kang will explode when he dies.
- Team Dad: Ironhide
- The Brute: Bonecrusher
- The Dark Chick: Barricade
- The Medic
- Ratchet
- Glit
- Barricade to the Movie-Cons.
- The Starscream: Duh.
- Tsundere: Ironhide times a billion.
- Wangst: Ditto.
- Wrench Wenches
- Mikaela, though she's also more of an Unkempt Beauty
- Agatha, who is not above qualifying for Gadgeteer Genius
- Wonder Twin Powers: Animated Jetfire and Jetstorm.
- Zeerust : Roger and his 1950s gizmos