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Voight Kampff from Lost in the New Real is the Futureman[]

Yes, technically Lost in the New Real isn't an Ayreon album (obviously the Mr L thing at least incidentally ties it into the mythos), however it all fits. The album basically tells the story of the headlong charge towards the end detailed in 2084 on Universal Migrator Part 1 from the point of view of Mr L as he has to try and acclimatise to his new world. Much like Mr L was already featured on 01 as remembering glimpses of his time as the Hippy in Into the Electric Castle, Kampff does as well, hence why out of all the people in the world he could bring back, it was Mr L, the person he spent most of the album paired up with.

Me is Nicholas/Victoria from Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory[]

It is the events of The Human Equation that lead him to seek hypnotherapy. In trying to get back in touch with the aspects of his personality he met while in the coma, he instead finds Victoria's memories, leading to a whole new mystery.

Alternate Timelines Exist in the Ayreonverse[]

To be precise, this was created when the Forevers used time travel to change the future. This did not create a time paradox like people think, but in fact created a chain reaction where many possible futures were created at once. For one thing, this would explain the inconsistant characterization of the Futureman. Since the Electric Castle exists in a place beyond time and space, an alternate Futureman was summoned. This particular Futureman comes from a time when the war never happened and the technology wave continued to climb without the war to stop it. This is why he is correct in describing an interplanetary society in progress. Also, this is why in his future shown by Forever of the Stars, he sees humanity become machines, just like the Forevers in 001011001. Thus, the Forevers didn't entirely fail in their mission to save humanity, that timeline may have been doomed, but there could be plenty of others where they could have listened to Ayreon and Mr L or some other outcome.