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Regarding the changes in the anime. While some battles are needlessly extended, some of the Filler gives provide much welcome Character Development and Foreshadowing.

  • Anvilicious: War is Bad, very bad... not that stating it is bad, anyway. Specifically, wars that take civilian lives. Foh and Ron both mention they lost their parents when their homes were bombed. Flashbacks show us that the same happened to Hokuto, and Foh also states that all the kids in the church are war orphans.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Bt'x is one the best remembered and loved animes in Argentina, after Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that very little Anime is ever exported there.
  • Moment of Awesome: in the manga, Amigo climbing out of Underhell, WHILE carrying Kotaro, with little to no oxygen left in the air.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Some of Raphaello's scenes where it assimilates from animals to working staff are borderline Nightmare Fuel.
    • Watching X's body completely shattered and then his severed head can be quite shocking for some.
    • Juggler beheading the Hydra pilot is not pretty to watch.
  • Needs More Love: Several people consider this series as superior to Saint Seiya, yet it's less remembered. The fact that it has a full English dub (unlike Saint Seiya) should help promoting it.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Kurumada seemed to get the message about people not liking Seiya. He made sure his expy in B't X, Teppei, would pull his own weight in a fight and not need rescuing. He also learns a lot and grows as a character, especially after X's first death.
  • Tear Jerker: The mines underneath the Empire's tower are running out of oxygen and Kotaro is trying to figure out how to kill Raphaello. Marcello breaks down crying because he can't even look at the sun before he dies. Kotaro does what he can and writes out the formula for sunlight, before he starts crying too because that's how little he can do to save a life despite being a scientist.
    • Alternatively, in the anime Amigo's You Shall Not Pass, strapping himself to the door just to keep Kotaro safe also qualifies.
    • The dead of Kaos and his BT, made more heartwrenching when Kaos can finally die happy knowing Teppei will surely triumph.
  • Woolseyism: The dub changes the name of most of the cast. This new names arguably fit better the very caucasian looking characters.