Classic 1983 Australian children's film directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith (of The Man From Hong Kong, Turkey Shoot, Dead End Drive-In and Leprechaun fame.) Notable for being the big-screen debut of Nicole Kidman.
Two BMX bikers, P.J. (Angelo D'Angelo) and Goose (James Lugton) and a friend of theirs named Judy (Kidman) want nothing more than a track for them to engage in their sport to be built. To raise money, the three salvage a carton from the local docks. Inside they find some walkie-talkies, which they hope to sell. Unfortunately, the walkie-talkies are set to the frequency of a police station; and were stashed in the dock by a gang of bank-robbers planning to use them to eavesdrop on the police. So a pair of Bumbling Criminals are sent to stalk to the kiddies and get the walkie-talkies back. This culminates in a lengthy foot/car/bike chase about Sydney.
- Adults Are Useless
- B-Movie
- Cool Bike
- Cult Classic
- Eighties Hair: Judy/Kidman.
- The Family for the Whole Family
- Fat Bastard: There's the obligatory nasty fat kid who annoys the protagonists. He's even listed in the credits as "Fat Kid".
- Kid Heroes: Well, actually technically young teens.
- Ozploitation
- Retroactive Recognition: This was Nicole Kidman's first movie.