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Pictures of people doing Back-to-Back Badasses go here.
- Mai and Yuichi back to back from Kanon
- Kouji Kabuto and Tetsuya Tsurugi being badasses in this picture
- Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon
- Iron Man And War Machine
- Mekibos and Hugo Medio showing off
- Gil and Tarvek show how it's done on the cover of Volume 9 of Girl Genius. Earlier in the series, Agatha and Gil also did this is an action scene.
- Let and Julia show us how it's done Battle Couple style.
- Here [dead link] we see a grand ol' Blizzard Entertainment team up between Varian Wrynn and James Raynor. Thanks Kim Tae Kyeong!
- Magic: The Gathering:
- Kingdom Hearts II's Cloud and Squall scene