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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Play "I Want It That Way" at any karaoke bar or party and see what happens. Or... play "Drowning" when you're alone and watch the same affect except solitary.
    • "The Call" is one incredible song!
      • With a really great video to match as well.
  • Deader Than Disco: Even jokes about how out of style they are is out of style.
    • There are still a good number of fans who still love and listen to their songs.
  • Fandom Rivalry: *N SYNC vs. the Backstreet Boys.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Insanely popular in Vietnam, even after all those years.
  • Tear Jerker: "Show me the meaning of being lonely". Even worse when you recall that it's inspired on Howie D's dead sister, and then other loved lost ones were added (AJ's ex-girlfriend, Kevin's Disappeared Dad, and their ex-producer).