"In a situation like that, I can become either a superhero or a supervillain, but considering that the world is too much for me and taking over this country would be a good deed in my case, I guess the second option is out." - Michal |
Michal Skotnicki is an ordinary college student from Warsaw. Well, he was until one night he ended up, conveniently drunk, in the crossfire between a vampire and a group of vampire hunters. Somehow, vampire blood he ingested accidentally gave him limited vampire powers - hypnosis, enhanced strength, speed and agility and heightened senses. Apart from that, he's still trying to forget about his ex-girlfriend, Wiolka and lead a normal day-to-day life.
- Caffeine Bullet Time - that's how Michal describes his super-speed.
To you, the world slows down. To the world, you're moving hella fast like something just bit you on the ass. |
- Deadpan Snarker - Michal and Wiolka.
Michal: "Yes, I see it, but I still can't believe it! Wanna slap me again?" |
- First-Person Smartass - Michal. His metaphors vary from tasteless to hilarious.
- Idiot Hero - subverted with Michal. He's pretty intelligent, but nevertheless a Fearless Fool who gets In Harm's Way to protect girls (not only Wiolka) and still needs some things to be pointed out to him at times.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Michal. While dropping by to his ex-girlfriend's flat in the middle of the night (through a third-story window no less) and hypnotizing her into having sex with him is very unpleasant, he actually cares about her.
- Kavorka Man - Michal. Mind control works wonders.
- Moe - subverted with Wiolka. Michal sees her as one, but her personality is, well, far from it.
- Our Vampires Are Different - lampshaded in a conversation between Michal and Wiolka.
Wiolka: "I guess it was like in Masquerade." |
- Michal can function normally in daylight - unless he uses his powers. Then - it hurts like hell.
- Also, Sara, the teenage Jewish WW2 survivor vampire girl.
- Our Werewolves Are Different - Adrian, Wiolka's new boyfriend.
- Chekhov's Gun - it's hinted when Michal calls him "a mousy ITiot she calls "her werewolf"."
- Shout-Out - mainly to Vampire: The Masquerade: Michal's supernatural abilities are clearly based on the Disciplines of Brujah clan (Celerity, Potence, Presence). Author's favorite one.
- Slap Slap Kiss - Michal gets slapped in the face by Wiolka, but then hugs her when she cools down a bit:
"What for?!" I asked, shocked. |
- Write Who You Know - Michal is based on User:Not So Badass Longcoat, and Wiolka on his friend Blue Oni.
- Horny Devils - Majka, the succubus.