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  • Adaptation Displacement: There's a stage musical version. Seriously.
  • Complete Monster: Natalie Buxton, Jim Fenner fit this trope to a tee. Shell Dockley is arguably this, she helps drive Rachel Hicks to suicide and later traumatises Bodybag and her husband. Sylvia Hollamby skirts the line when she moves Dockley to the muppet wing and sets her up to be attacked by Podger Pam, and puts her in a cell with "Mad" Tessa Spall.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Jim Fenner.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Sylvia. Probably the least sympathetic of the guards to begin with, but she gets a few TearJerkers. Her first husband commits suicide due to financial pressure and her second tries to murder her for money.
    • Many of the jerkass characters have Woobie moments at some time in the series; Denny Blood, Shell Dockley, Buki Lester, Maxi Purvis, Snowball Merriman, Di Barker and Al Mackenzie being the most obvious examples.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Fenner. When he's not having sex with prisoners, he's pimping them out or killing off anyone who's a threat to him.
  • Nightmare Fuel: When Yvonne gets trapped in the hanging cell and left to die.
  • The Woobie: Rachel Hicks, Monica and her son Spencer, Zandra Plackett and Lorna Rose in her last episode