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File:Badlands arcadeflyer.png

Badlands was an arcade and MSX laserdisc game released by Konami at the height of the Dragon's Lair craze. It centers around Buck, a cowboy whose family was killed by outlaws. He decides to take matters into his own hands and heads out to gun down all of his family's killers.

Unlike other such games Badlands's only control was a button to fire the character's gun.

Tropes used in Badlands (1984 video game) include:
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: Random townsfolk will pull guns and try to shoot you in the middle of the street. With no warning.
  • Lost World: Besides the banditos there's a portion of the game involving an area filled with prehistoric monstrosities.
  • The Many Deaths of You: Par for the course in a laserdisc game, but some of the deaths are just plain silly. Like the one where a scorpion jumps on Buck's head and cuts his hair, giving him a mohawk.
  • Opening Narration: "We were living a quiet life, when suddenly, for no reason, my wife and my children were killed in cold blood!..."
  • What the Hell, Player?: Kill people for no good reason (those random townsfolk? You have to wait until they draw on you) and Buck will be hanged, then thrown in jail. No, that is the right order.