If you take all the dialogue trees as being in-character for Byuu, it becomes apparent that he's a two-faced manipulative Jerkass who toys with the emotions of those around him for fun. He has no objection to torturing suspects, and happily hires assassins to take out his "friends" just to amuse himself. He's a sociopathic recluse who cares for nothing except his dragons, and maybe Frederica. He also steals mushrooms!
Princess Yoyo. It's clear that the game designers did not intend for her to be a dis-likable character. However, portions of the fanbase seem to hate her anyway. Might have to do with the perceived netorare.
Ensemble Darkhorse: Frederica, if her ending second in the Video Game Saimoe is any indication. Might explain the below point.
Fan-Preferred Couple: The Japanese fans ship Byuu and Frederica despite there being little evidence, and Byuu and Yoyo, who broke up in-game.
Game Breaker: You can feed the dragons items to power them up and give them new forms. One of Salamander's forms is called Phoenix, and it is literally invulnerable. Just give it the command Go, and it will destroy every enemy on the map for you while you sit on the sidelines. (Technically, since dragons in Bahamut Lagoon are linked to a unit of soldiers, it's still possible for Salamander's final form to be beaten indirectly if his soldiers are all killed... but as a practical matter, you can just hide them in the corner of the map while your invincible dragon kills everything for you. And the AI isn't smart enough to take advantage of this.)
Ugly Cute: They were aiming for a Moogle-like Ridiculously Cute Critter (might have even been moogles at one stage in development), but the Minidevils were more this, judging by their artwork.
Unfortunate Character Design: Yoyo's first battle sprite. It makes her look like she has a giant chin (which is, in fact, her neck).