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A popular mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, made by RuneStorm. Instead of focusing on game modes, they focused on guns.

Lots and lots of guns.

Even better, the whole mod can be added to any game type with a single mutator.

Can be downloaded from the homepage here.

Tropes used in Ballistic Weapons include:
  • AKA-47: A number of weapons are based on real-world weapons, given alternate names.
    • The M50 is obviously based on an M4, but lacks several features (no forward assist, for one); the M46 Jackal is also similar to an M4, but again is missing several features and has a barrel assembly that looks more like a SCAR-L than an M4 variant, not to mention it's in a caliber that simply isn't used with the M4 (.310).
    • The RS8, however, is rather obviously a Colt 1911 derivative (Smith & Wesson 1006). Similarly, the GRS1 and GRS9 are 9mm Glock.
    • The XK2 SMG looks like an MP5, but has a massively different action - it has no cocking handle, instead it has an ambidextrous ejection port that's also used to prime the weapon.
    • The Fifty-9 SMG looks like a heavily-customized Uzi with a folding stock and an attached blade. The XRS10, meanwhile, is a barely-modified TEC-9.
    • The SRS-900 is a rather blatant Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR.
  • BFG: The XMV-850 minigun, SKAS-21 super shotgun, JL-21 MRL 'Peacemaker' rocket launcher, J2329 HAMR portable mortar, RX22A flamethrower, HVC-MK9 lightning gun, M75-TIC Railgun, R20 Bulldog Assault Cannon, and the HV-9000 Plasma Cannon (which is a Shout-Out to the original BFG).
    • The J2329 HAMR is particularly Big - the recoil is so bad firing it unmounted damages you.
  • Deadly Gas: The T10 Toxin Grenade. The G28 Medicinal Aerosol grenade inverts this by putting out healing gas.
  • The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: The MD24 pistol's magazine shows if it's been emptied entirely when reloaded, and the two belt-fed machineguns both show their belts getting shorter when very few rounds remain in their magazines - they even have alternate reload animations for those situations.
  • Do Not Run with a Gun: A setting when using the Ballistic Sprint mutator. This also applies to jumping. Interestingly enough, weapons can still be fired - but they're terribly off-target, making it impossible to aim.
  • Emergency Weapon: Most of the melee weapons, though they're useful in surprise attacks. They also ignore the target's armor.
    • Sergeant Kelly's weapon pack adds fists, which are almost totally useless... except when used with the Berserk adrenalin combo, at which point they become the Berserk Fists.
  • Flare Gun: the BORT-85, which can also fire grenades; its flares follow a fairly realistic trajectory, too. Oh, and it can be dual-wielded.
  • Game Mod: Which has mods itself; most notable is Sergeant Kelly's Weapon Pack, which is basically a community effort to add even more guns.
  • Gatling Good: The XMV-850; an interesting example in that it has a realistic max fire rate of 3600 RPM, at which point anyone on the receiving end may as well kiss their ass goodbye. It also doesn't overheat, but ammo is very limited - it only holds 900 rounds in a magazine, with 1800 spare, so you don't even have a minute of full-speed fire. The heavy recoil can be mitigated by mounting it using secondary fire.
  • Gun Accessories: The M50 has a grenade launcher and a small screen for use with the tertiary-fire camera, while the M46 has a proximity mine launcher.
  • Gun Porn: Ballistic Weapons V2.5 - without extra packs - has thirty unique weapons.
  • Guns Akimbo: Most pistols and submachineguns can be used in pairs - even different ones. Don't expect to be accurate if the server's using realistic settings, though. Reloading is handled a la Marathon - one gun at a time - which makes dual-wielding with pistols easiest due to their short reload time.
  • Hand Cannon: The AH-104 'Pounder' assault pistol, which is somewhat over the top even for this trope: it fires .60 caliber explosive rounds. A torso shot with it is a one- or two-hit kill.
    • The D49 revolver also qualifies; not only is it a .44 Magnum revolver, it has two barrels. Secondary fires both at once.
  • Hit Scan: Averted, though it appears to be played straight due to the velocity of the bullets.
  • Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better: Played with; most energy weapons fire visible and slow-moving projectiles, but they tend to do a good bit of damage or have other useful attributes. For instance, the E-23 ViPeR plasma rifle is also capable of acting as an assault rifle, a shotgun, a repair tool (a la the Link Gun), and a marksman rifle with nightvision scope.
  • Laser Sight: Several weapons come with one; though it gives away your position, shots will always hit the aiming dot.
  • Lightning Gun: the HVC-MK9 lightning gun; primary fires short-ranged streams of lightning which do little damage, but can fling those it has locked on to. Secondary is a 'red lightning' charged shot.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: A new gore system was added to deal with new weapon effects, making dismemberment a little more... visceral than it was by default.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: The JL-21 MRL 'Peacemaker' rocket launcher. Primary rapid-fires mini rockets; secondary fires so fast the loading system can't keep up, at the cost of many rockets going off-course, potentially injuring the user and those nearby.
  • More Dakka: The entire purpose of the XMV-850 minigun, though the M353 light machine gun can also put out a respectable amount of dakka.
  • No Scope: Possible, but not easy by default. Less realistic settings make it easier.
  • Overheating: Happens to some weapons. The HVC-MK9 lightning gun hurts the user if it overheats, while the plasma cannons explode - the HV-9000 in particular detonates like a Redeemer missile.
    • The Firestorm IV overheats as well due to using caseless incendiary ammo. It also slows down as it overheats, making bursts much more useful.
  • Pistol-Whipping: Secondary fire of the MD24 pistol, though it's implied the weapon was designed to do that. Some weapons have blades attached to them, making it much more effective.
    • The Redwood Coach Gun has a stock bash attack.
    • The MRS138 shotgun has a taser mounted below the barrel for this purpose.
  • Recoil Boost: Possible with the XMV-850 minigun, the M290 Double Shotgun, and the MRT6 Shotgun Sidearm.
  • Removable Turret Gun: Due to the turret guns being mountable in the first place; they can be abandoned by the user, which will always happen if they're killed. Unlike most instances, these turret guns have limited ammo and need to be reloaded, but can be placed just about anywhere.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Somewhat averted: while powerful and accurate, the D49 revolver has a very long reload for a pistol, making it of somewhat dubious use as a sidearm.
  • Sawn Off Shotgun: The MRT6 Shotgun Sidearm is an odd example. It's very short - small enough to be holstered - and is very inaccurate, but packs a large punch because it fires two shells at once. The recoil's heavy enough that it can be used as an extra jump, too.
    • Sergeant Kelly's Weapon Pack adds a proper sawn-off, which can be dual-wielded; accuracy and recoil are even worse than the MRT6, however.
  • Secondary Fire: Several weapons have these, and some even have a tertiary fire.
  • Short-Range Shotgun: Averted with the M763, which has a fairly tight spread. It's somewhat weak, however, but that's for balance reasons.
  • Swiss Army Gun: the E-23 ViPeR, to some extent.
  • Standard FPS Guns: Some weapons fall under this, but quite a few don't.
  • Universal Ammunition: Mostly averted; only a few weapons share ammo. Most of the 12 gauge shotguns do, but they're (with one exception) loaded from loose shells.
  • Unorthodox Reload: The MD24's reload has the player flick the magazine out of the weapon.
  • Video Game Flamethrowers Suck: Averted; the RX22A flamethrower, while not actually projecting napalm due to the limitations of the UT2004 engine, is quite long-ranged. This is balanced by the rather volatile fuel tank on the user's back, which tends to rocket upwards when shot.
  • Weak Turret Gun: Very, very averted. The four mountable weapons are the XMV-850 minigun, the J2329 HAMR mortar, the M353 LMG, and the M925 .50 caliber machine gun.