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  • Late in the first film, after escaping a pack of dogs and protecting Faline from them, Bambi gets shot. He gets back up. Yes, it took his father to goad him into it, like a coach calling his champion a "bum" to get him moving, but the idea is that he gets up and still manages to outrun a forest fire.
  • Little April Showers may be the CMOA for the Disney animation team. Its breathtaking animation of raindrops was not matched until the computer animated storm in The Little Mermaid. The scene of raindrops tracing their paths on a multitude of leaves, each animated separately with dozens upon dozens of individual tracks is jawdropping, especially when you remember each image was painstakingly drawn and painted by hand.
    • Oh, ditto. That sequence is what sparked my lifelong fascination with the art of animation.
    • Even cooler when you realize that a bunch of the artists went camping in Baxter State Park in Maine in order to get the landscape they way they wanted it. The clearing where Bambi was born actually existed; it will have changed by now, but the spot can still be found.
  • The Bambi vs Ronno fight scenes from both the original and midquel are pretty epic; the child forms' scuffle from the latter may get extra credit for giving Disney's icon of cutesiness an actual Berserk Button.

Ronno: It's a shame you have a dad that's so ashamed of you, he'd give you away...
Bambi turns and rams him into the ground

  • Following that, after his potential stepmom Mena gets caught in a hunting trap, Bambi refuses the plead to escape and lures a pack of Nightmare Fuelish dogs out of her reach, getting taken out one by one (the final one perhaps gets special mentioning, after finally cornering Bambi on a cliff ledge and staring him down with its teeth bared, before getting buck-kicked by the latter off the ledge).
    • Made even cooler by the fact that Mena's plea to Bambi to save himself were said with the exact same words Bambi's mother used right before she died. That pretty much inspired him to not let someone else die for his sake again.
    • This troper actually shivered during this scene. Bambi starts to run, and then he actually hears what Mena's saying, and the look on his face is nothing short of chilling.

"Run, Bambi! Don't look back! Keep running! Keep running!

  • Not to mention his revenge on the porcupine midway through, catapulting him as a projectile for one of the dogs.
  • Our first introduction to Bambi's father, watching out for him.