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  • On being introduced to Bambi just after he's born:

Thumper: Whacha gonna call him?
Bambi's Mother: Well...I think I'll call him...Bambi.
Thumper: Bambi...Yep, I guess it sounds alright.
Bambi's Mother: Bambi... My little Bambi...

  • The birth of Bambi's children at the end of the movie.
  • Bambi apparently assuming the role of Great Prince at the end of the original film, looking down at Faline and his children in the same way his father did when he was born.
  • Two baby birds fighting over who gets to eat the berries their mother gave them. Another baby bird, that appears to be the oldest, ate all the berries. The two stop fighting to see they're gone. Its probably karma that that particular bird had a raindrop hit his head.
  • Bambi is so willing to embrace a Flower, a skunk, as a friend. That is tantamount to overlooking institutionalized racism. "Pretty! Pretty Flower!"