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  • Hey, It's That Voice!: In the original movie, Adult Flower was voiced by none other than Sterling Halloway, the actor who would later go on to be the voice of Winnie the Pooh.
  • No Export for You:
    • Surprisingly, the original novel got a direct sequel called Bambi's Children...that was never released or translated in America. However, back in Bambi's heyday, Disney did complete and publish a comic book adaptation of Bambi's Children.
    • Also, thanks to a little thing called World War II, Bambi originally didn't get released in Japan. However, Osamu Tezuka made a manga adaptation of the film during the 60s after getting permission from Walt himself when they met each other at the World Fair of the time.
  • What Could Have Been: According to the book "Mickey and the Gang: Classic Stories in Verse", a film adaptation of "Bambi's Children" was actually planned but never got beyond the early stages of development.