Hey, It's That Voice!: In the original movie, Adult Flower was voiced by none other than Sterling Halloway, the actor who would later go on to be the voice of Winnie the Pooh.
Surprisingly, the original novel got a direct sequel called Bambi's Children...that was never released or translated in America. However, back in Bambi's heyday, Disney did complete and publish a comic book adaptation of Bambi's Children.
Also, thanks to a little thing called World War II, Bambi originally didn't get released in Japan. However, Osamu Tezuka made a manga adaptation of the film during the 60s after getting permission from Walt himself when they met each other at the World Fair of the time.
What Could Have Been: According to the book "Mickey and the Gang: Classic Stories in Verse", a film adaptation of "Bambi's Children" was actually planned but never got beyond the early stages of development.