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  • Adaptation Displacement: "There was a book?" Yes there was, and it's actually very good. It's also rather strange that few people know it was based on a book since it mentions in the opening credits that the movie was based on Felix Salten's story...
    • The poster for the movie was a picture of the book
  • Ear Worm: "Drip drip drop, little April showers..."
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Thumper got his own merchandise line.
  • Faux Symbolism: The scene where Bambi goes with his father after learning about his mother's death symbolizes the end of his childhood and innocence. This was exatly what Disney was going for with that scene.
    • It was revealed in the Making of Bambi II that the butterflies seen in Bambi's dream sequence and at the end of the movie are meant to symbolize Bambi's love for his mother in the former and his father in the latter. D'awww.
  • It Was His Sled: Bambi's mother dies.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Arguably Disney using the trope at its most extreme. Of course, this is considered the draw appeal to many fans.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion:
    • Like you cannot even imagine. It can be especially easy to miss the single reference to Flower's gender early on. And then puberty kicks in, and their genders are much more obvious.
    • There is the picture book of the Disney movie that actually called Flower a female, and made "her" a mother!
  • Vindicated by History: Thanks to extremely mixed reception from critics of the time period, not to mention the war going on at the time, Bambi, along with Fantasia and Pinocchio before it, was a huge box office flop when it first unspooled in theaters. Nowadays, it's one of Disney's most financially successful and critically well received movies.