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There's an old Polish proverb that says, "When an owl comes to a mouse picnic, it's not there for the sack races".


Banacek was a short-lived, light-hearted detective TV series starring George Peppard which aired on NBC from 1972 to 1974 as one of the rotating elements of The NBC Mystery Movie. Peppard played Thomas Banacek, a suave, Polish-American freelance investigator based in Boston, who solved seemingly impossible thefts. He then collected from the insurance companies 10% of the insured value of the recovered property.

Also featured were Ralph Manza as Banacek's chauffeur Jay Drury, Murray Matheson as rare-bookstore owner and information source Felix Mulholland and Christine Belford as Carlie Kirkland, Banacek's sometime-lover and always-rival.

Banacek was was the only spoke of of The NBC Mystery Movie to run in both seasons.

Tropes used in Banacek include: