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This is definitely evoked several times in the series.

  • My favorite HAS to be during "The Breaking Point" when Easy Company is pinned down during an assault, and Speirs — in all his badassery — takes command, runs THROUGH the town, hooks up with I Company then runs BACK through town, all while being shot at. He instantly became my favorite person in that series. Heck, the ENTIRE SERIES is one big crowning moment of awesome.
  • When you realize that everything that happened in the series, happened in real life, minus heresay and possible exaggeration.
    • When you realise that some things had to be TONED DOWN because, despite them actually happening, people thought that no one would believe that they actually did.
  • The assault on Brecourt Manor, taking out four heavy guns so successfully that to this day it's taught at West Point as an ideal assault on a fixed position.
    • During the assault, Buck Compton throws a grenade with perfect timing to explode right as it hits a German. This moment got some criticism for being unrealistic, but it actually did happen; Compton had played baseball in college and was an expert at timing his throws.
      • The cool thing is, in the series, the grenade hits the German in the back. In real life, Buck threw the grenade and it hit the German IN THE HEAD.
  • Bull Randleman fighting his way back from behind enemy lines after the failure of Market Garden. This is where you really see why Richard Winters would later call him one of the best men he served with.
  • In "Crossroads", Easy Company, with barely three platoons of troops, manage to rout two entire companies of German troops with only one man dead a few wounded. Not to mention Winters running up ahead of his troops alone, and without batting an eye at how many Germans he's facing, just raises his rifle and starts shooting. The first thing the Germans do when they realize Winters is firing at them is to run for their lives.
  • After the main battle in "Crossroads", Easy Company captures a number of German prisoners and tasks Liebgott with escorting them back to base. Liebgott's enthusiastic reply makes Winters worry that he might just execute the prisoners instead, so he orders Liebgott to drop all of his ammo and leaves him with only a single bullet, telling him that if he decides to kill a prisoner, he'd have no way to defending himself from the others. The book mentions that one of the prisoners overhears the conversation, and Winters muses that he probably understood English due to the look of relief on his face.
  • A small but memorable one in the final episode, "Points": while witnessing the official surrender of a group of German soldiers, Winters, now a major, encounters Sobel, still a captain. When Sobel curtly acknowledges Winters as he walks by, Winters coldly says, "Captain Sobel! We salute the rank, not the man." Deeply reluctant, Sobel salutes Winters. Winters keeps his cool, but Nixon, watching nearby, can barely suppress a smile at this victory over their hated former CO.
  • Dick Winters, unarmed, walks up to Bill Guarnere, the most aggressive man in Easy Company, shoves him against a wall, and chews him out for disobeying his orders. Bill, defiant yet obviously knowing he's being put in his place, only manages a gruff, "Yes, sir."
  • During the battle to take Carentan, a German machine gun is firing up the road that Easy Company is using for their attack. The men take shelter in a ditch to avoid being shot. Dick Winter stands in the middle of the road screaming at the men to press the attack. At he doesn't get a scratch on him as bullets fly by him. In fact, the only injury he takes is from a ricochet at the end of the battle.