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Barb wire ver1

No clothes either.

A 1996 soft core porn film disguised as an action film. So when you're watching it, and your mom walks in, you can just point to some of the explosions and claim it's an example of female empowerment... or something...

The movie stars Pamela Anderson Lee doing what she does best - running around with the minimal amount of clothing on, and the opening credits involve a prolonged scene with Pam strip-dancing. There's also no small number of other women wearing very little as well, but honest to god mom, look at all the explosions and Pam kicking the asses of all those men; it's female empowerment I swear!

Anyway, apart all the boobage - err, the explosions - this was Pam's attempt for her to bridge her career from television to film. And quaint as seeing her toting vast amounts of guns in skin-tight black leather is, it kinda failed. It has earned its reputation for completely ripping off the plot of Casablanca in a way that makes Overdrawn at the Memory Bank look like Citizen Kane (to stretch a metaphor beyond the point of logic). Has been Snark Bait for many a reviewer.

The film is based on the series printed by Dark Horse Comics.

Tropes used in Barb Wire include:
  • Anti-Villain: Police Chief Willis. He may be a corrupt, lying asshole who makes Barb's life difficult, and a pawn of the oppressors, but he's not actually evil. For one thing, he knows his men are thugs and idiots, but they're still his men. He doesn't agree with the murder of Barb's blind brother, and at the end he saves them all by not handcuffing Barb and giving her a grenade to use.
  • Berserk Button: "Don't call me Babe! "
  • Big Bra to Fill: Averted. So so much.
  • Biker Babe
  • Captain Obvious: Police Chief Willis deliberately does this near the end of the film.

Willis: "Look out, she's got a grenade!"


"Let me make this perfectly clear. If Cora D escapes, I will personally rip your heart out of your ass, and shove it back down your throat."
"Goddammit Willis, I'm gonna rip you in half!"
