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Barbie in the Twelve Dancing Princesses is a 2006 direct-to-video movie from Mattel about the story of 12 unusual princesses, based loosely on the old Brothers Grimm tale of the same name.

Barbie stars in the movie as Princess Genevieve, along with her alphabetically named siblings, oldest Ashlyn, second oldest Blair, third oldest Courtney, fourth oldest Delia, fifth oldest Edeline, sixth oldest Fallon, the twins Hadley and Isla, and then the three youngest girls, Janessa, Kathleen and Lacey, whose lives are intruded upon by the evil Duchess Rowena, a vile woman who wants to take over the kingdom and strip her cousin, the girls' widowed father King Randolph, from his authority as King. Will Genevieve, her sisters and the handsome Royal Cobbler, Derek, be able to call upon their unusual, individual strengths and "shine" to save the kingdom?

Tropes used in Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses include:

Fallon: Oh, how romantic!
