Bardsworth is a webcomic about the adventures of Mike Cosley, an Ordinary High School Student who finds a portal to a fantasy world in his closet. He ends up going to college at the prestigious Bardsworth Academy to learn magic. A fun family-friendly webcomic.
Characters include:
- Mike Cosley: Having been unpopular at his high school, Mike seeks to start a new life at Bardsworth. Cheerful and silly with a great love of cookies.
- Fawn: A fairy who befriends Mike. Cheerful and at times temperamental.
- Kris: Mike's roommate. A serious student and a bit of a loner.
- Crystal: A laid back and playful elf girl who Mike begins dating.
- Keira: A hyperactive bard student. She's also Crystal's roommate.
- Professor Fitzpot Fizzlebottom: A powerful wizard and Bardsworth professor whose house is on the other side of Mike's closet. Takes responsibility for Mike by helping him get into Bardsworth.
- Francis: Fitzpot's friendly demon butler.
Tropes used in Bardsworth include:
- Adorkable: Part of Mike's 'charm'.
- Alliterative Name: Fitzpot Fizzlebottom.
- Exclusively Evil: Demons are implied to be like this, with the obvious exception of Francis.
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Rayner
- Art Evolution: Lampshaded once, with Mike looking around a now colored world and having the feeling that something is different...
- Berserk Button: For Mike, hurting his friends.
- Big Sister Instinct: Despite the fact that she torments Mike regularly, Tammy will look out for him.
- Raven is very protective of her siblings, as well. Do not think you can attack them and get away with it.
- Butt Monkey: Mike. Accidentally blowing things up during an exam, getting tackle-hugged by Keira, being stalked by a Grimble... the guy can't catch a break.
- Cool Loser: Mike
- Creator Cameo: One of the Grimble's enchantments causes Mike to briefly turn into a real life Peter Tarkulich. He's pretty freaked out by it.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Kris
- Deadpan Snarker: Kris
- Death Glare: Tammy has one. It can even stop Fawn in her tracks.
- Fairy Companion
- Full Name Ultimatum: "Danyel Luthor Amethyst, just what do you think you're doing??"
- Gender Bender: Mike is temporarily inflicted with this (among many other things) after being enchanted by a Grimble.
- Genki Girl: Keira
- Gentle Giant: Francis
- The Glomp: Keira frequently greets people this way, especially Mike. Her little sister Kara does this too.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: After Malcolm blasts Fawn, Mike starts glowing with power, prepared to lay the smackdown on him.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Keira
- Hot Teacher: Professor Merrit
- Important Haircut: Mike gets one over winter break.
- Knocking on Heathens' Door: Implied here.
- Massive-Numbered Siblings: Fawn is one of thirty sisters.
- One-Gender Race: The faeries are all female and the demons all male. Fawn speculates on this.
- Ordinary High School Student: Mike. Well, except that he's a trimagus, meaning he has three sources of magical energy instead of the standard two.
- Power Incontinence:
- A spell cast in a dream leaks over into the real world
- Also getting distracted in class
- The Prankster: Danyel
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Kris and Keira seem to be headed in this direction.
- Shout-Out: "I wasn't even supposed to be here..." [1]
- Shutting Up Now:here
- Stealth Hi Bye: Francis has a habit of appearing out of nowhere.
- Stern Teacher: Professor Merrit
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mike really likes cookies.
- Tsundere: Fawn is a type B.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Malcolm
- Wizarding School