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BarefootContessa 4942

Barefoot Contessa is a Cooking Show hosted by Ina Garten, airing on the Food Network since 2002.

Each episode starts with Ina briefly describing an occasion for which she will cook some food. Frequently, this will involve catering for friends at her home, though she has also done episodes serving special meals for one particular person. Typically she will then explain how to do three different recipes suitable for that occasion. At the end of the show, the occasion is shown, with invariably complimentary comments.

Ina frequently experiments with variations on familiar recipes.

During the show, there is usually an "Ask Ina" section, where viewers submit questions on the same theme as the rest of the show.

Not to be confused with the old Ava Gardner film The Barefoot Contessa.

Tropes used in Barefoot Contessa include:
  • Cooking Show
  • Kick the Dog: In Real Life Ina has twice refused to visit a dying child whose Make A Wish choice was meeting her.
  • Rich Idiot With No Day Job: Ina Garten. Subverted by the fact that she's actually quite a talented cook, as well as being a veteran policy wonk from the Carter White House and the former owner of a successful catering business and therefore is probably equipped with solid brass ovaries.
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