From the first game:
Violent Storm, which is played when you fight against Malpercio.
The True Mirror , the default battle theme, is an amazingly good song. Then the Boss Remix takes it to the next level .
No love for Rumbling of the Earth ?
While we're at it, let's add Brave Way.
And Vitrolic a Stroke . A fantastic guitar piece, topped only by the aforementioned True Mirror guitar version. Very much worth a listen.
Between The Winds is hauntingly beautiful, and it's only overworld music .
Castle in the Sand , which plays on the Mira overworld and in Azha. It's Nightmare Fuel , but it's epic Nightmare Fuel .
To the End of the Journey of Glittering Stars is quite possibly one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. Ever.
Soft Labyrinth , played on the Cloud Passage on Diadem. For one of the easiest areas of the game, it has one of the most powerful and awesome songs in the whole game.
Bellflower , an awesomely catchy town theme.
Nadir's Whale . Reminds me a little bit of Mass Effect music, for some reason.
Twisted Time and Warped Sky , which has a definite apocalyptic feel to it.
Giacomo and company tend to be unusually tough , but their special boss theme, Chaotic Dance is great.
No love for the Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens?
Descent to Earth , played when the islands fall from the sky .
Glowing Clouds , while it gets used a lot , isn't bad.
This troper absolutely adored Embark on a Voyage .
Deep Sea of Tears , used during the game's biggest Tear Jerker .
Soul Poetry , IMO, is a hauntingly beautiful piece. Also, Divine White Bell , which not only is the main theme of the church, but also plays at crucial moments in the game, particularly Kalas' Face Heel Turn .
Really? No Condemnation of Darkness? Seriously? That's getting fixed, right now.
Survival From the Force , which plays in Cor Hydrae.
A Last Villainous Quip . Geldoblame might be a Giant Space Flea From Nowhere , but his battle theme is great .
Addressing Stars , the beautiful credits theme.
Baten Kaitos Origins , meanwhile, has Iconoclasm . It's such an amazing track that every boss battle that plays it seems epic...even the ones where you're getting your ass kicked .
Also from Origins , Le Ali Del Principio . Words don't do it justice; just listen to it. The music alone is incredible, but the hauntingly beautiful vocals make the piece almost impossibly wonderful...especially considering the fact that the vocalist was the composer's nine-year old daughter .
Evidential Material , everything you need in a boss theme.
Remember The True Mirror? Well, it's back , fully orchestrated for a mindblowing Call Back .
Deep Red Pastures , the happiest song in the world.
A Road to the Dignified Future , Verus' theme.
For your listening pleasure, "The Valedictory Elegy ", Origins' standard battle theme. And then there's the guitar version for battles in the Colosseum.
There's also Powerful Voice of an Old Soul , played in the first half of The Very Definitely Final Dungeon , and Terrible Technology , played in the second half. And let's not forget Tears of Compassion , which was a large part of the reason that game's biggest Tear Jerker was so successful.
The Power of a Pure Heart and the Path to the Distant Future . Used for a Theme Music Power-Up several times throughout Origins .
There's also Poacher , used for boss battles against afterlings, Raincloud , used for the Cloud Passage in Diadem, and the brilliantly creepy Ruins .
Count in also the unbelievably tragic Rain on a Moonlit Night. Manly Tears were shed.
Crystal Abyss . Used as Wiseman's battle theme, it's even more creepy than he is . Seriously, this could be used in Silent Hill .
Ruinous Commander , the Final Boss theme, is a very eerie song, complete with One-Woman Wail and Ominous Latin Chanting . It really serves to accentuate what will happen if you fail.
Even scarier, if you listen to the quieter portions of the song, you can hear people screaming and crying.
Into The Spiral Tention . Amazingly creepy whenever it's used, and perfectly sums up the atmosphere during Wham Episodes and tense moments.
And Chaotic Dance 2 . Giacomo returns in Origins, with a new battle theme every bit as awesome as the old one, if not even more so.
Remember Between the Winds from the first game? Didn't think it could get any more beautiful? Here's its successor, The Boundary Between the Wind and the Earth .
The three Sedna themes . Need motivation to do that giant Collection Sidequest ? There you go.
Guillo's theme, Legendary Doll .
The Beginning Of The Unjust Journey and the Prelude To Betrayal (whew) , a Dark Reprise of the Mintaka theme from Eternal Wings , plays during The Stinger .
Floating Pebbles , which plays in the Nekkar Quietlands, is a beautifully melancholy piece. Why is it that the most irritating levels in this game always seem to have the best music?
The Shadow of the Moon on the Water , which plays over the end credits and is stunningly beautiful.
The entirety of both games are a pair of crowning soundtracks of awesome. Even the worst songs are simply above average, and if a song is even average compared to the rest of the soundtrack, it still sounds amazing compared to other games. There's a reason the soundtracks are collectively considered Motoi Sakuraba 's best work.