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  • A lot of the banter between Vitriolic Best Buds Harris and Stavrou., like when they're picking out flowers for Harris's wedding, and Stavrou can't help smelling them.

Harris: "There's something just extremely uncomfortable about a man your size sniffing a flower."

    • When his fiancee says that for $300 more they can get additional flowers, and Harris doesn't want to...

Stavrou: "Well I think it's a no-brainer. I mean you only get married once; what are you gonna worry about three hundred dollars-"
Harris: "Thank you, Stavrou."

      • And right after: *smiling* "I am gonna hit you with something really heavy."
  • Doc is skyping back home, and Guerrero stops by.

Guerrero: "That your girlfriend? Damn she's fine. *slaps Doc on shoulder* Doc, my boy."
Doc: *stonefaced* "That's my sister."
Guerrero: "...I'm just speaking objectively here."

    • Made funnier by the fact that the movie has been using title cards to give us people's names, and Guerrero's name comes up right on the beat of his Oh Crap face.
  • The Marines need to get a means of transportation out of the bombing zone.

Nantz: "Either of you know how to hotwire a bus?"
Harris: "Stavrou can; he's from Jersey, Sir."

Stavrou: *rolls eyes*

    • Followed up on when Stavrou actually gets the bus to work.

Stavrou: "Yeah baby! NEWARK, represent!"

  • As the team tries to drive the bus through enemy territory, they just keep smacking into parked vehicles.

Nantz: "Try to miss at least one of the cars, Stavrou."

  • As the Marines line up to board the Sea Knights:

Guererro: Harris, what's your take on this?
Harris: I dunno, extraterrestrial?
Imlay: You mean, like from space?
Stavrou: No, from Canada.

  • During the final shootout, Harris and Santos pin an alien, who manages to punch Santos in the face before dying. At which point Santos shoots it some more and shouts at it:

"That hurt!"

  • During the sewer escape, one of the Marines drops a grenade down the manhole. A pursuing alien stops, picks the grenade up, and looks at it as if thinking 'What the hell is this thing?' right before it blows up in its face.