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Examples of Beach Episodes in Web Comics include:

  • Present in Bittersweet Candy Bowl, although it has the excuse of being part of the Summer Arc.
  • Spanish webcomic ¡Eh, tío! has also a story arc in the beach. Here the author explains that this is not to attract readers, but only for pure vice.
  • Monsterful features a page of the Sexy Topaz with a sexier mermaid friend at the beach here. Plus a beach episode has been announced for later.
  • ickle and Lardee from My Milk Toof take a trip to the swimming pool.
  • Questionable Content parodied this in the random-filler-art strip the night before the artist's wedding.
  • For about a week, Schlock Mercenary had comics with two female characters (one of whom had Gag Boobs) talking in bikinis. This was Lampshaded.
  • Sluggy Freelance has done a couple arcs at the beach. However, those contain plot, and the closest to a gratuitous beach episode happens not for the main cast but for the mostly nameless employees of an antagonistic evil organisation. For some reason.
  • Issue 8 of Sonichu has a beach episode. While part of the story does drive part of the main plot, it was mostly done for the (wholly inappropriate) Fan Service.
  • An arc in Treading Ground takes place on a beach, complete with skimpy swimsuits, jell-o wrestling, and Accidental Pervert action.
  • TRU-Life Adventures gave a store refit as an excuse to send the staff to a nearby water park for a story arc.
  • Wapsi Square featured a brief arc on a sandbar somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle starting here.