Beauty and the Geek is a Reality TV show that has both British and American versions. The premise of the show is to get together a group of beautiful women and a group of geeks, and to pair them off with each other. The groups then have to complete challenges outside of their typical comfort zone, for example the beauties may have to visit a Comic Book convention. If a team wins the challenge, they become safe from elimination, and have to choose one of the other teams to send to the elimination room. Elimination is a run-off between two teams, is decided in eight questions, 2 for each person. The beauties have to answer questions on typical geek topics, and the geeks have to answer questions on dating and fashion.
There has been 5 separate seasons of the show in America, and each show has had a slightly different format.
- Brainless Beauty: Most of the beauties, although there are a few who are fairly intelligent.
- Dumb Blonde: many of the beauties fit this trope. In fact this trope is part of the point of the series.
- Elimination Catchphrase: “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave the mansion”.
- Eliminated From the Race: Generally, the teams are eliminated by a quiz.
- Geek
- Gender-Inverted Trope: In Season 4, there was one male beauty and one female geek.
- No Social Skills: Many of the geeks.
- Reality TV Show Mansion: They live in a mansion for the duration of the show.
- Trans-Atlantic Equivalent: There are both British and American versions of this show, though there was only one season in Britain.