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Yes, I know I look ridiculous. Stop laughing!

A person gets his head stuck in a painting, billboard, poster or other sort of image, in such a way that his head perfectly fits into, or otherwise seems to be part of, the image on this painting, often with humorous results (usually, it will be a character's head coming out of a horse's ass or a male character being put on a portrait of a woman).

Examples of Becoming Part of the Image include:

  • Pocahontas: Radcliff does this with a painting of King James during the song “Mine, Mine, Mine”. The result is Radcliff's face replacing that of King James on the painting. Unlike most other examples, he does it on purpose.
  • In a gag in the French comic series Boule et Bill, dog Bill crashes head first through a fence during a game of soccer. On the other side of the fence, there turns out to be a giant advertising poster with a dog on it, and Biff’s head has crashed through it in such a way that it replaced the head of the dog on the poster. People that walk by even comment on how original this poster looks because of it.
  • Spider-Man: (see inserted image above) in episode 45 of the 1967 series, Spider-Man gets his head stuck in an image of a donkey, resulting in his head now appearing to be the donkey’s head.
  • Underdog has done this several times.
  • In an episode of Family Guy, the Griffins have a knock-down drag-out fight, trashing the entire house. Peter hits the wall and gets a picture of a horse stuck on his head, with his face poking out of the horse's butt. Lois starts to laugh. Chris and Meg stop hitting each other and come to see what is so funny. Brian and even Peter join in. Everything looks like it's going to work out—until Stewie clocks his mother from behind with a wooden chair, and the brawl begins anew.
  • Osmosis Jones: a car crashes on a billboard for "the Land Down Under" (Frank's butt), the car wedged right in the crack.
  • In the Wallace and Gromit short "A Close Shave", Preston frames Gromit for the sheep kidnappings by tricking him into sticking his head through a picture of a butcher in front of Shawn the sheep, and then taking a very incriminating photograph.
  • In Shadows of the Damned, a Nonstandard Game Over has Garcia getting knocked into a billboard by a giant demon, with his face sticking through the other side in an embarrassing position (like from between the buttocks of a demoness call-girl).