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Bedazzled is a 1967 film vehicle for Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
Moore plays Stanley Moon, a short-order cook at Wimpy's who is hopelessly in love with waitress Margaret (Eleanor Bron) but too shy to tell her how he feels. Depressed over his lot in life, he attempts to hang himself. When his attempt fails, in steps Satan, who goes by the unlikely name of George Spiggott and is played by Peter Cook. George offers Stanley seven wishes in return for his soul, and in his desperation, Stanley sees no reason to refuse... after all, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Tropes used in Bedazzled (1967 film) include:
- Affably Evil: George puts Stanley up in his mansion and plys him with food, drink and Lillian Lust. His hospitality makes it all too easy for Stanley to forget how cruel and manipulative he really is.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Aversion.
- Be Careful What You Wish For
- Blowing a Raspberry
- Camp Gay: Envy.
- The Chessmaster: George knows what his victims will wish for and is able to identify the flaw in every one of Stanley's plans.
- "You should have specified the sex."
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Everything George inflicts on Stanley.
- Covers Always Lie: This cover makes it look like Rachel Welch as Lust is one of the core characters. Although Lust does have a pivotal role in the film, she's only on for about seven minutes.
- The Devil Is a Loser: Possibly the most literal example ever.
- Distracted by the Luxury: Subverted in the rich man wish, where Margaret is running around with another guy, and Stanley buys Margaret a mink coat. She enjoys how it feels, but then just takes it off to run around some more.
- Evil Is Petty: "Your pranks are so miserable." George's petty schemes include posing as a door-to-door salesman and phoning people while they're in the bath.
- Fat Girl: Gluttony.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: During Stanley's third wish, a pair of female breasts are shown in the bathroom mirror.
- Jackass Genie: George Spiggott embodies this trope.
- Manipulative Bastard: George's entire schtick is playing with Stanley's feelings for Margaret.
- Naughty Nuns: "And I love you too, Sister Luna."
- Seven Deadly Sins: All seven are introduced. Raquel Welch is Lillian Lust.
- Villainous Breakdown: George is in a wager with God: he has been promised that if he claims a billion souls before God does, he will be allowed back into Heaven. He achieves this easily but God still finds a way to deny George entry to Heaven, and sends him back to square one.