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  • Gilbert telling Annie that he loves her, finally resolving his unfinished business on Earth by falling in love, and then stepping through his Door into one of the show's rare portrayals of a good afterlife, smiling at the blue light.
  • Werewolf George backing away from the door in Season 1 finale and no longer trying to kill what's on the other side when it looks through the peep-hole, sniffs, and realises Nina is on the other side. Depending on your interpretation, it's sweet either because a bit of George remained to save the woman he loved, or because the werewolf doesn't want to harm the now infected Nina, its mate, which is still sort of cute.
  • Mitchell and Annie's reunion in season 3.
  • What George, Nina, McNair and Tom do when they're transformed with Mitchell and Annie in a cage in the room. After trying to kill Mitchell for a bit, McNair and Tom play-fight while George prowls around protecting a resting Nina.
  • Oddly enough George staking Mitchell is actually one, releasing his friend from his torment.
  • McNair's last letter to Tom and Tom's reaction is one.
  • More of a Fridge Brilliance thing as well, but if people who die go thru a door, and are ghosts for a moment or two, that means people who die together (car crashes, sinking ships, battles) would be able to go together: They wouldn't have to face it totally alone.
    • No longer just Fridge.
  • Sasha's final moments.

 Sasha: It all falls away. The looks, the money. Lovers, Friends.

Annie: Not all your friends.

Sasha: No. Not all your friends. And the ones that are there at the end, they're the real ones, aren't they?

Annie: Yeah. Yeah.

Sasha: Thank you. For being my friend Annie...

Annie: (smiles) It was easy.

  • Leo and Pearl's departure qualifies as the wonderful heartwarming end to a 55 year old story about a Vampire, a Werewolf and a Ghost, which sounded much happier than the one we're watching.
  • Hal's prequel with Leo was especially touching- showing how a evil Vampire lamenting his darkness and a borderline suicidal Werewolf chained to a wall started a friendship that lasted over half a decade.
  • Annie and Hal buying Tom his first birthday cake for his 21st birthday.
  • Tom handing himself over to the Old Ones with Eve as they promise to protect her, prepared to to live a terrible life of servitude out of his love for her.
  • Tom explaining to Hal why he is helping him kick his blood addiction

 Tom: Because you're my best mate

  • Annie earning her happy ending in the finale of season 4, saving the world and seeing Nina, George and possibly Mitchell again.